Medaille attribution

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Inscription : 02 novembre 2002

Medaille attribution


Message par Jallie »

voilà ce que j'ai trouvé dernièrement sur l'attribution des médailles...

faudra le vérifier pour confirmer la chose ;)

OK, I'll give you some technical data. What you make of it is on your own.

Right after you finish a mission the code will calculate your new rank then it start the award code.

First Factor - Mission Complexity is made up of Duration of flight, Weapons Expended, How many Shots At taken at you by the enemy, and the number of Aircraft In your Package

These return a value between 0 and 6

Second Factor - Campaign Difficulty is made up of Campaign Ground Ratio, The Campaign AirRatio, The Campaign Air Defense Ratio, The Campaign Naval Ratio, The Campaign Enemy Air Exp, and The Campaign Enemy AD Exp.

These return a value between 0 and 20

Now, the more complex the mission and the more difficult the Campaign the more medals.

Factors that are also considered for medals are.


Now the awards.

You need x number of mission points, x number of award points, x number of campaign points plus a realism factor to get medals

Mission points are awarded for Mission Complexity. 0-6
Campaign points are awarded for Campaign Difficulty. 0-20
Award points are calculated by multiplying Player Options Realism, Campaign Difficulty, Miss Stats Score, and Mission Complexity.
(I believe anyhow)

OK now the medals.

You get a: AIR_FORCE_CROSS if
You have 9600 medal points and a realism setting of .9 (90) or higher.
Mission points of 4 or more.

You get a: SILVER_STAR if
You have 7800 medal points and a realism setting of .7 (70) or higher.
Mission points of 4 or more.

You get a: DIST_FLY_CROSS if
You have 6000 medal points and a realism setting of .5 (50) or higher.
Mission points of 4 or more.
You get a: AIR_MEDAL if
You have 4800 medal points and a realism setting of .5 (50) or higher.
Mission points of 4 or more.

So what are the hard and fast rules to get a medal? I have no idea. Someone, a long time ago, start a database for tracking missions. Like if the had 25 A2G kills, 4 A2A kills, all wings return, landed at home base got them this many points and this award.

What ever happen to it I'll never know. You might do a search here or at Delphi.

So as you can see it's very complex and who knows what happens when you change force ratios, ADA ratio or exp.

Two that will never change are the Korean Campaign Medal and the Longevity Medal. Win a campaign and get it. Live for 100 consecutive missions and get it.

 VR et PIMAX  Crystal  

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