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Fly! 2006

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 1:37 am
par C3PO
Falcon 4.0: Allied Force was recently showcased at the Fly! 2006 exhibition in London. Our thanks to Horizon Simulation, AF's European publisher and distributor, Combat Edge for providing the cockpit experience plus fighter pilot instruction and Ultimate High for the prize of a day out aerobatic flying. Enjoy the video (26MB):

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 8:12 am
par coolhands
:notworthy very good thanks

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 9:21 am
par minimo
:Jumpy: Waouw!!Really impressive, how much for these cockpits? So cool...
Thank you for sharing this video, thank you very much :yes:

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 10:03 am
par Larsen
Thanks a lot C3PO !
I saw that MFD were fully ops :sweatdrop ..... It's a dream which many pitbuilders have :Jumpy:

Fantastic :sorcerer:

Excuse my poor english :blush:


Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 12:37 pm
par DarkSun
I have a video problem i think on the video :sad: codec up... all video screen is green :D

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 12:41 pm
par Electro
C3PO : same question than larsen : how did you do to make the mfd work (maybe it is only because you're in hud only view ? :huh: )

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 12:42 pm
par Cougar FFW04
Hi C3PO,

Thanks to share with us this great video :cowboy: :cowboy:
It's really nice to see that Falcon is again (with the AF version) exhibited as an advanced realistic military simulation in international simulation meetings :usflag: :usflag:

To second my squadron friend Larsen, I have noticed in the video that the MFD's and RWR (in addition to other analogical instruments) are fully fonctionnal o_O :cowboy:
This means that it's possible. You know that it's THE dream for most pit builders to gain the upper step in fligt immersion. Please, look for exemple at Larsen's pit here ... &start=360 (I dont show mine which is ridiculous compared with him :sweatdrop at the moment :tongue: ), the only things drastically missing are fonctional MFD's and RWR :sad:

With AF, you offered us a wonderfull stable F16 simulation plateform for both solo and online flights.
Please give us (we will surely pay for that) an easy instal addon-instrument to bring us our ultimate dream :king:, it's certainly NOT beyond LP capabilities :yes:

Thanks :cowboy:

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 1:16 pm
par C3PO
The MFDs + RWR were created by an ingenious use of super reflective mirrors and projection -- plus the use of F4 Glass.

Unfortunately the quality isn't conveyed in the video because the sync rates for the video camera and the projector were out of phase ... but they looked stunning to me there.

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 1:17 pm
par C3PO
DarkSun a écrit :I have a video problem i think on the video :sad: codec up... all video screen is green :D
Update your video codec for windows media video: try this link: ... nload.aspx

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 1:24 pm
par Ghostrider
Thank for that ..
C3PO check your MP please

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 1:29 pm
par Ghostrider
Il y a avez du joli materiel sur le stand :)

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 1:32 pm
par GunMan
Are the two simpits for sale :P ?

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 1:42 pm
par Cougar FFW04
The MFDs + RWR were created by an ingenious use of super reflective mirrors and projection -- plus the use of F4 Glass.

Ok thanks.

Anyway I am sure that exporting the MFD, RWR outputs is not beyond LP capabilities. Any idea wether that could be done one day or another ?
Are the two simpits for sale :P ?

Don't worry I already bought both :exit: :exit:

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 1:43 pm
par Electro
cougar : pour le rwr, ça marche déjà grâce à falcon gauges, et même plutôt bien (c'est àdire que le rwr est mieux que celui du jeu lui-même)

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 1:46 pm
par Cougar FFW04
pour le rwr, ça marche déjà grâce à falcon gauges, et même plutôt bien (c'est àdire que le rwr est mieux que celui du jeu lui-même)

Oui Electro je sais (idem pour le DED), mais si LP pouvait nous pondre un add-on instrument avec la totalité ce serait cool, d'ou ma question :tongue:

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 2:05 pm
par dimebug
les cockpits sont des aimsworth...

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 6:33 pm
par GunMan
Erf... Dans le noir ils avaient l'air pas mal :D

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2006 8:54 pm
par Larsen
Cougar FFW04 a écrit : This means that it's possible. You know that it's THE dream for most pit builders to gain the upper step in fligt immersion. Please, look for exemple at Larsen's pit here ... &start=360 (I dont show mine which is ridiculous compared with him :sweatdrop at the moment :tongue: ), the only things drastically missing are fonctional MFD's and RWR :sad:
Tu vas m'faire rougir Coug' :blush: Surtout que j'adore le tien et que si je ne l'avais pas vu, je n'en serais pas arrivé là ma poule ! ]
Please give us (we will surely pay for that) an easy instal addon-instrument to bring us our ultimate dream :king:, it's certainly NOT beyond LP capabilities :yes:

Thanks :cowboy:[/QUOTE]

10.000 % agree with my friend Coug' :king:
Really a dream for us :yes: :sweatdrop

Thanks for your job in AF :cowboy: