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Question for C3PO

Publié : mer. mars 22, 2006 2:17 am
par MayDay-MayDay

Since begining I have an issue with Falcon AF. I'm behind shared internet connenction and everytime that I try to connect to the server I have time out message.

I opened all ports as required by the program and I even forward them. But I still have same problem.

What is strange is the fact that with Lockon and Il-2FB I have no problem at all connecting to servers and I didn't even forward router's port for those programs.

Now we are aproaching 1.06 version and I still don't see any solution to my problem. Is there a way that you can help me to solve this problem or at least report it to team responsable for network code.

Thnak you.

Publié : mer. mars 22, 2006 11:07 am
par C3PO
What router do you have and can you post a pic showing the ports forwarded page of your router's set up screen?

Publié : mer. mars 22, 2006 5:42 pm
par MayDay-MayDay

I have this router Router

It is lynksys product WRV54G.

So this is how it works my connection. The internet connection comes to the router and the I connect to the router using the WIFI. Other PC is connected to that router too.

As for port TCP and UDP required by Falcon I forwared them both to my internal IP which is

Now I was thinking that it was firewall issue or anti hacker protection and I tryed to use DMZ for my internal IP but it didn't work. Always connection time out. However if I connect my PC directly to the internet then it works without problem. But I can't have such set up permanantly.

Now while using wifi set up I can join Red Orchestra, Battlefield 2, Lockon, Il-2 Fb, Hyperlobby....

However I didn't have to do anything particular for those games. I only checked if ports were open at that is all.

As for image I can't post it atm sorry.

Publié : mer. mars 22, 2006 5:55 pm
par Nayfe
tas pas mis "Block Anonymous Internet Requests" a tout hasard ? je sais pas si t'as cette option sur ce modele du linksys, mais sur mon modele, ca posait probleme et j'arrivais pas a me connecter :)

enfin moi chez moi ca a marché comme ca mais ca a peut etre rien a voir o_O

Publié : mer. mars 22, 2006 11:51 pm
par C3PO
I have a similar Linksys router and it works fine here ... do check your ports are forwarded correctly.

Edit: Double check that your PC connecting wirelessly does actually have the ... you can check using "ipconfig /all" in the command prompt bit (without the commas).