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Publié : ven. nov. 04, 2005 9:14 pm
par GunMan
moi1000 a écrit :this is probably THE question that everybody want to ask here :laugh:
Particulary the FFW10 :cowboy:

One question.. Is LP releasing a tutorial about aircrafts and objects skins making on AF ??? (sorry, but i can't translate correctly).

Publié : ven. nov. 04, 2005 10:02 pm
par Cougar FFW04
If I have a choice to don ....between IAF and New FAC upgrade...

I would choose NONE for sure...
I would choose the patch correcting ALL the actual pissing bugs....

Hope its worth to wait...

Publié : ven. nov. 04, 2005 10:38 pm
par Mike Charlie
C3PO a écrit :Ce sera une grande patch -- et je suis beaucoup regardant en avant à son relâchement :)
We really apreciate your talented french usage and thank you for all your efforts ;).

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 1:26 am
par eutoposWildcat
Particulary the FFW10
EC10.235 à présent, Gun :cowboy:

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:52 am
par Electro
eh ! arrêtez d'ajouter des posts après LA question... :tongue: que je repoise donc :

C3PO : and about a hypothetic external patch (like the hitiles) concerning mirage 2k (I know that Falcon is a Viper sim, but it would be quite a thrill if we could go to fight wings in wings with mirages) ? (it is just a question, no pressure from me ! :cowboy: :cowboy: :cowboy:

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 2:07 pm
par eutoposWildcat
To add to Electro's question:
The French community has worked a lot to develop many items (complete 2D and 3D models, specific flight models by far superiour to default flight models, weapons) to get nice flyable Mirage 2000 in previous Falcon 4.0 versions, and many French virtual pilots would be really delighted to be able to get these items in Falcon 4.0 Allied Force too. :cowboy:

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 3:04 pm
par C3PO
eutoposWildcat a écrit :To add to Electro's question:
The French community has worked a lot to develop many items (complete 2D and 3D models, specific flight models by far superiour to default flight models, weapons) to get nice flyable Mirage 2000 in previous Falcon 4.0 versions, and many French virtual pilots would be really delighted to be able to get these items in Falcon 4.0 Allied Force too. :cowboy:
Hello ... yes it's an interesting idea the Mirage ... the only problem is modelling accurately the avionics etc...

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 3:27 pm
par Electro
why wouldn't you just propose a "mirage package", without the same standard that the viper one (because there is less public informations about the mirages than about the viper), just to permit mixed flights (mirages and vipers) :

* it would add a lot to the sim, rejoin two communities (the viper one and the mirage one) ;
* the work is done ;
* new costumer (a lot of person are waiting to drive a mirage...).

It would be a dream :cowboy:

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 3:38 pm
par RooKie78
Actually the frustration comes from the "closed" architecture of Allied Force. I understand the stability moto, but I figured out that Lead Pursuit would improve AF's ability to load external resources like Skin, and models, textures, F16 Pit (eg non intrusive stuff).

As for non F16 pit I understand the problem since it is tigthly link to the code. But is it a weird idea to consider to release a kind of SDK ?... No doubt this would attract more customers and please the existing one...

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 3:41 pm
par GunMan
eutoposWildcat a écrit :EC10.235 à présent, Gun :cowboy:

Effectivement ;)

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 5:13 pm
par C3PO
RooKie78 a écrit :Actually the frustration comes from the "closed" architecture of Allied Force. I understand the stability moto, but I figured out that Lead Pursuit would improve AF's ability to load external resources like Skin, and models, textures, F16 Pit (eg non intrusive stuff).

As for non F16 pit I understand the problem since it is tigthly link to the code. But is it a weird idea to consider to release a kind of SDK ?... No doubt this would attract more customers and please the existing one...
No, it's not a weird idea to consider an SDK. The problem is that to create a SDK requires considerable resources. While we're committed to supporting Allied Force for the near term, at the least, our primary focus is on our next product release. And I'd like to quash the belief here that skins do not add to instability. Skins CAN add to instability, as we found only a few weeks ago with something we were testing. Our primary focus is stability and because of that, plus the resources required for an SDK, things have to be sacrificed. We're not Microsoft.

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 5:18 pm
par moi1000
But you can make a "open" game with stability ??? There are some other games like that

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 5:29 pm
par zarpjj
Please C3PO, have a thought agreeing for the cockpit builders like me, publish the structure of the F4AF shared memory.
By this way, I can adapt my program to manage my cockpit with the last opus of Falcon 4.

Do this for this small comunity please, we will be eternally grateful to you.


PS : long time a go, I have the same request to your site with ne response

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 7:20 pm
par Ric
C3PO a écrit :No, it's not a weird idea to consider an SDK. The problem is that to create a SDK requires considerable resources. While we're committed to supporting Allied Force for the near term, at the least, our primary focus is on our next product release. And I'd like to quash the belief here that skins do not add to instability. Skins CAN add to instability, as we found only a few weeks ago with something we were testing. Our primary focus is stability and because of that, plus the resources required for an SDK, things have to be sacrificed. We're not Microsoft.
Do you realy work in computers or are you a lost director of comm?

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 7:26 pm
par C3PO
Wild Angel a écrit :LOL
Do you realy work in computers or are you a lost director of comm?
Here's the polite reply: our resources are much better placed in product development :)

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 7:27 pm
par Ric
this doesn't seem to contain competence of developpers if you can ask such nonsenses.

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 8:04 pm
par C3PO
I'll assume others here are happy for me to contribute more here :)

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 8:10 pm
par Ric
C3PO a écrit :I'll assume others here are happy for me to contribute more here :)
Go on saying such ineptitudes and they won't be a lot.

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 8:42 pm
par Cougar FFW04
Very soon I'll be publishing a full changelog for the upcoming patch. Of course, visual treats are only a small part of these changes.

Good :cowboy:

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 9:11 pm
par Electro
wildangel : t'as fumé la moquette pour l'agresser comme ça ? :banned: :banned: :banned: :busted_re :busted_re :busted_re :busted_re

C3PO : We are plenty here very happy to have you comin' around on C6 forum :cowboy: :cowboy:

Thanks C3PO

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 9:14 pm
par Flanker-D
Thanks a lot for yor answer C3PO and for reading this Forum which is not in your own language even if some stupid reader
believe they are superior and knows everything because they sent plenty of one sentence post.
They certainly are too much tired after typing one line.

Edit de fuchs, la prochaine fois, tu prends des vacances!!!!!!
y a des MP pour ca!
C3PO sorry for this edition but the stupidity and frustration of such a Man... Boy... Child is making me mad. Anyway... Sorry.
It's very kind of you not to forget the French community. :usflag:
That will be a great improvement not to see looping Maverick anymore.:yes:
Do you known if Su-25 launching freefall bomb at a airborne F-16 which hasn't any relation with their mission will disapear too ? :hum:

I know the community ask a lot to you and your team and I'll be happy to be able to fly another fighter than the F-16.

But, IMHO, making the Viper simulation stable and realistic in a stable and realistic Campaign is
the first and main goal before to either open the Sim to moders or add new flyable plane.

We still see some RWR or maybe EOS Range issue with my squadron like a Su-30 without activated Radar :crying:
(No RWR signal even with it set in Search mode) firing R77 missile at the same max range(Aspect 0° for both) I'm able to fire an Aim120-C with Radar on and locked on the Su-30.
No ECM for anyone to use the "Home On Jam" launch capability of the R77 or AIM-120. The only warning I get is from the onboard R77 Active Radar when it did activate. :crying:
Thanks to have a look at that when possible.

In a few word, Thanks to make Falcon AF perfect for the Viper before to think
making other plane flyable or as in "Jane's Longbow 2" having the possibility to have two human pilot in a two seaters F-16.

PS: if you need a annoying Beta-Tester who's always look for perfection and
can't support even one bug in an otherwise completly bug-free programs. Sendme a MP. :Jumpy:
Best Regards,

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:18 pm
par C3PO
Hello ... don't worry -- I'll keep coming back and keeping you guys up to date. :)

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:25 pm
par Ric
J'agresse sans raisons?
=> les skins ne sont pas partie des données échangées online, elles restent perso à l'ordi.
Les skins de fumées et d'explosions sont aussi des skins: pourquoi celà serait il différent dans un cas et pas dans l'autre?

Honnêtement, vous faites ce que vous voulez, mais moi, voire un mec qui annonce de pseudo-super nouvelles en disant des conneries qui ont été balayées depuis les versions 1.08us, ça me débecte.

Après vous croyez qui vous voulez, mais quelqu'un sensé être responsable du développement d'un "simu" qui sort des trucs pareil, il faudrait vous poser des questions, d'autant que certains d'entre vous connaissent falcon4 "old", vous suivez les développements depuis très longtemps, et vous ne réagissez pas.
Il serait peut-être temps de vous réveiller les mecs, si les skins causaient des pbs en ligne, vous croyez qu'il serait envisageable de tenir un mirroir comme je l'ai fait avec famas?

Sur ce, je vous laisse à refaire l'histoire de falcon et de ses développement, je retourne à mes antiquités. :busted_re

PS: concernant la signature, elle provient d'ouvrages traitant spécialement de symbologie antique, pour ce qui est du narcissisme, de la névrose et de la frustration, tu repasseras

Je préfère m'éclater sous une version peut-être moins stable qu'AF, mais également moins fantaisiste, surtout vu les dires des développeurs.

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:30 pm
par Cartman
Et paf!

Publié : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:30 pm
par Crazy
Wild Angel a écrit :J'agresse sans raisons?
=> les skins ne sont pas partie des données échangées online, elles restent perso à l'ordi.
Les skins de fumées et d'explosions sont aussi des skins: pourquoi celà serait il différent dans un cas et pas dans l'autre?

Honnêtement, vous faites ce que vous voulez, mais moi, voire un mec qui annonce de pseudo-super nouvelles en disant des conneries qui ont été balayées depuis les versions 1.08us, ça me débecte.

Après vous croyez qui vous voulez, mais quelqu'un sensé être responsable du développement d'un "simu" qui sort des trucs pareil, il faudrait vous poser des questions, d'autant que certains d'entre vous connaissent falcon4 "old", vous suivez les développements depuis très longtemps, et vous ne réagissez pas.
Il serait peut-être temps de vous réveiller les mecs, si les skins causaient des pbs en ligne, vous croyez qu'il serait envisageable de tenir un mirroir comme je l'ai fait avec famas?

Sur ce, je vous laisse à refaire l'histoire de falcon et de ses développement, je retourne à mes antiquités. :busted_re
La journée que tu écriras une simulation comme eux le font, je t'appuierai. Pour l'instant, le travail qu'il font est incroyable. Tu agis comme un enfant de 2 ans et ca me frustre si tu veux savoir. Gros bébé gaté qui ne sait rien faire.
