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Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 5:40 pm
par Ghostrider
yes zarpj talk about homemade pit , in wood with switchs and lights not about software cockpit ;)

Quand a ceux qui ne respecteront pas la charte ici meme ils iront rejiondre wild angel en vacances pour 1 mois !!!!
De meme pour ceux postant pour relancer des polémiques stériles et non poser des questions honnetes

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 6:08 pm
par marge
J'approuve totalement GHOST.
Il y a des limites à ne pas dépasser, et il me paraît normal d'avoir un minimum de respect pour C3PO qui fait l'effort de recueillir notre avis sur F4AF et LP, de nous répondre et de nous informer clairement sur les évolutions du produit et la politique de LP.
Il s'agit d'avoir un minimum de politesse et de tenue, sans lesquels un forum devient vite une arène.

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 6:44 pm
par Ghostrider
Thx Marge

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 6:44 pm
par Crazy
out of date, sorry

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 8:24 pm
par juju
Un petit mot d'excuses envers C3PO serais raisonable, je pense...

Ghost : +10...

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 8:37 pm
par zarpjj
[quote="Ghostrider"]yes zarpj talk about homemade pit , in wood with switchs and lights not about software cockpit ]

Yes, I am talking about home made cockpit in wood with switchs and lights.

I do not understand what come to do in this context the "intellectual property"; I want simply to be able to light LED and to display the messages of the DED.

Will you reveal programming secrets of your Falcon 4.0 Alied forces by publishing this structure??????
I believe that I am likely to smile!!!!!!

Is this answer the official answer of LLC or LP????
Or this is the response of the CO of the editor irritated by the tone, not always courteous of certain readers, upon reading which you give to certain questions.

I want to believe well that the manufacturers of cockpit as me are not so much compared to the other players, but do not take them for idiot either with this kind of answer.

Et pour les lecteurs francophonnes et autres, c'est mon coup de gueule a moi, si vous partagez mon avis, dites-le mais ne venez pas foutre la merde dans ce topic en venant relancer cette rangaine d'été qui n'apporte rien de constructif.

Bon ben après ça si tu veus me mettre au coin pour 1 mois Ghost, te prives pas.



Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 9:03 pm
par dimebug
Eh, Zarpjj, il a du mal comprendre car RS ou Shark ont eut les infos qu'ils souhaitaient.. de façon officielle...

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 9:19 pm
par RooKie78
Hi C3PO, this topic has "Flames" as a title which is just fine regarding the "Flaming" posts it contents. :-))

Anyway, I understand and approve your making a strong focus on game enhancement. But do you think in a near future, LP will developp some tools that allow replacing skin, texture etc... without compromising the stability ? Is opening the game to modders is part of your mid term strategy or not ?

Hope you won't be afraid to answer because of the emotionnal context... ;-)

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 9:27 pm
par C3PO
[quote="RooKie78"]Hi C3PO, this topic has "Flames" as a title which is just fine regarding the "Flaming" posts it contents. :-))

Anyway, I understand and approve your making a strong focus on game enhancement. But do you think in a near future, LP will developp some tools that allow replacing skin, texture etc... without compromising the stability ? Is opening the game to modders is part of your mid term strategy or not ?

Hope you won't be afraid to answer because of the emotionnal context... ]

Hehe, yes I was a bit of a "hostage to fortune" with the title of this thread :)

Creating tools for the job would be a great idea ... the tricky thing is to to implement it. It's something we have discussed to a certain degree, but there's no detail on future implementation.

patch for f22

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 9:42 pm
par Tazman
Hey every body, scuse me for my bad english, i just want to know if in the mearest time, a skin for the F22 raptor and a flying model is previous.
That's all and thanks for your answer.
P.s: thank you for the job you do with Falcon AF and the patch you have down, good continuation. :king:

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 9:46 pm
par dimebug
Whatever, thanks for reading us C3PO :yes:
As you can see, people react a lot about AF, a good sign of interest for this simulator and futur.

Publié : dim. nov. 06, 2005 11:20 pm
par Scrat
shifuong a écrit :Hey every body, scuse me for my bad english, i just want to know if in the mearest time, a skin for the F22 raptor and a flying model is previous.
That's all and thanks for your answer.
P.s: thank you for the job you do with Falcon AF and the patch you have down, good continuation. :king:
C3PO a déjà répondu dans ses autres posts sur la politique sur les skins ---> pour le moment, pas de skin prévu (hormis faite par l'équipe F4AF de LP).
Et rien non plus sur un FM pour F-22 (qui de plus est SD, vu que l'oiseau n'est même pas encore opérationnel...) ;)

Publié : lun. nov. 07, 2005 7:57 am
par burner
+1 avec toi zarpjj

zarpjj a écrit :Yes, I am talking about home made cockpit in wood with switchs and lights.

I do not understand what come to do in this context the "intellectual property"]I believe that I am likely to smile!!!!!![/SIZE]

Is this answer the official answer of LLC or LP????
Or this is the response of the CO of the editor irritated by the tone, not always courteous of certain readers, upon reading which you give to certain questions.

I want to believe well that the manufacturers of cockpit as me are not so much compared to the other players, but do not take them for idiot either with this kind of answer.

Et pour les lecteurs francophonnes et autres, c'est mon coup de gueule a moi, si vous partagez mon avis, dites-le mais ne venez pas foutre la merde dans ce topic en venant relancer cette rangaine d'été qui n'apporte rien de constructif.

Bon ben après ça si tu veus me mettre au coin pour 1 mois Ghost, te prives pas.



Publié : lun. nov. 07, 2005 8:27 am
par zarpjj
Markus a écrit :Non non Xela89, il n'y a pas confusion du tout... .
On parle bien des cockpits AF, pas des cockpits builders... .

Désolé de te contredire Markus, mais je parlais bien de construction de cockpit en bois avec des interrupteurs et des LED, sur ce coup là t'es a coté du sujet.

Et entre nous sois dit, j'ai pas du tout apprécié, mais alors pas du tout, que tu changes la police de mon message, je l'ai voulu ainsi pour qu'on le voie et que j'obtienne enfin une réponse a ma question.



Publié : lun. nov. 07, 2005 9:09 am
par Markus
J'ai changé ta police pour faire moins gros. Cela n'a pas empêché C3PO de lire et répondre à ton message.
Pour le cockpit builder que tu es, je me suis trompé et m'en excuse. Heureusement, je me suis trompé en français, donc, je ne crois pas que ma mauvaise réponse à Xela89 est pu influencer le cours de l'histoire de ta question.
Encore une fois, désolé... .


Publié : lun. nov. 07, 2005 1:41 pm
par zarpjj
I am not so big like RealSimulator,I am working im my little office, alone, without any other help, but can you explain me how RS, and other people, have the information (the structure of the shared memory) and by which way they have this information ???????
By answering this question, are you reveal again programing secrets or will violate the intelectual property of LP ????????

So that you understand well, I am a manufacturer of wood cocpit and I want to control the LED in the cockpit and to send the good order to the simulator when I move a switch; I do not make the same job as Ayes or Stopworks !!!!
Is that clear for you ?

I try to do my best to be not too impolite with you, but with the response you give, I must say that is difficult for me sometimes.

I have to say too that I am enjoyed to fly with Falcon AF, it is pleasant to fly at 6 or 8 pilot at the same time, your team have do a super job.
And we are waiting the next patch.

And at least, do not take my words against you C3PO.



Publié : lun. nov. 07, 2005 2:06 pm
par Buzzz

C est vraiment n'importe quoi

Publié : lun. nov. 07, 2005 3:16 pm
par cobragva
Je crois que tu devrais relire ta phrase ci-dessous et mediter longuement dessus en relisant tes postes.....quand on construit...on fait le contraire de ce que tu fais...


zarpjj a écrit :
Et pour les lecteurs francophonnes et autres, c'est mon coup de gueule a moi, si vous partagez mon avis, dites-le mais ne venez pas foutre la merde dans ce topic en venant relancer cette rangaine d'été qui n'apporte rien de constructif.


Publié : lun. nov. 07, 2005 3:54 pm
par zarpjj
Je crois que tu a pas tout compris encore.......

C'est pas grave
.... c'est mon coup de gueule a moi, si vous partagez mon avis, dites-le mais ne venez pas .....
mon avis concernant ma question quant à la structure de la shared memory

Là ca va mieux ????

Publié : lun. nov. 07, 2005 4:18 pm
par C3PO
[quote="zarpjj"]OK C3PO
I am not so big like RealSimulator,I am working im my little office, alone, without any other help, but can you explain me how RS, and other people, have the information (the structure of the shared memory) and by which way they have this information ???????
By answering this question, are you reveal again programing secrets or will violate the intelectual property of LP ????????

So that you understand well, I am a manufacturer of wood cocpit and I want to control the LED in the cockpit and to send the good order to the simulator when I move a switch]

I understand exactly what you are saying. But the fact is that the shared memory area of AF is not released, and that's the situation, as I've explained before. It isn't going to change. Of course I don't take what you say against me, and I thank you for your kind words about Allied Force. I think I've probably made the point now on shared memory :)

Publié : lun. nov. 07, 2005 5:19 pm
par zarpjj
C3PO a écrit :I am not so big like RealSimulator,....., but can you explain me how RS, and other people, have the information (the structure of the shared memory) and by which way they have this information ???????
Sorry, I come again to the front, but without this info, I can not use my cockpit with F4AF.
Please heck this link : ... 72&start=0
and tell me where are the correction I have to bring.

Thank's in advance
