OK les gars : à vous !
Chaque bug est numéroter, merci de faire référence au numéro s'il est déjà cité, comme ça on confirme.
N'hésitez pas à donner une foule de détails, surtout si vous ne savez pas reproduire le bug. Evidemment, si vous savez le reproduire, dîtes comment !
C6 Bug List for 1.08-1.09
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- #AI.1 - Refueling refused by Tanker.
Tanker stabilises but didn't not send boom, dispite many "Y3" command. - #AI.2 - #2 doesn't want to refuel.
Hatch said: TE BALKANS 2010 /Tanker KC135 TCN 125Y / F16 blk42 : #2 was cleared by Tanker, but never went forward to take fuel.
Avionics / Weapons (AW)
- #AW.1 - SAM-11 circles on the HSD have a "2" in their center.
Data (D)
Campaign (C)
Cockpit (CP)
- #CP.1 - To see ILS bars move in view #1 you have to switch to view 2.
Graphics (G)
- #G.1 - Missing Textures on some Aircraft / Seen by 2 simmers / Reproducible : ?
No textures on these An-124 (Campaign Balkans 2005, GC : Radeon 9600XT) :
It seems to be so for other aircraft An225, An124, A-6E :
Multiplayer (MP)
- #MP.1 - Error window appearing (message ?) that seems to be linked to "connection settings".
This was noticed twice. For one of those, it happened when one pilot just installed hyperlobby, all players had to reboot.Sparrow a écrit :The error window appeared on the host screen as soon as the TE is launched, whatever the TE. On another hand a Campaign game goes well...
This window is mixed up with the UI, that's why we can't see what's written in it, but it may be a Windows warning with its unique beep alarm. Every client wanting to join the MP had the same problem when loading the TE.
This problem was solved by decreasing the host upload and download settings.
User Interface (UI)
- #UI.1 - Ace factor is blocked in logbook. WILL BE SOLVED IN 1.09 (dixit Schumi)
Stability (S)
- #S.1 - Frozen game in DF mode.
Thrust said: Sometimes in dogfight the game freeze you can turn around your aircraft with external view but completly blocked in the sky , the same with opponent , we have just to push escape and E and we try to enter and then the match restart without FALCON restarted ,sometimes this bug appear sometimes not and then we can continue the game , the same problem appear with others pilots as they said in hyper lobby chat ,.
This problem appear with hyperlobby or in flight solo !! for me and others pilots!
Other (O)
- #O.1 - The lift doesn't change so much w/ slats openned or closed or in movement.