News Update: October 1st, 2005
One of the most important and enjoyable features of Falcon 4.0: Allied Force is its multiplayer component. There’s never been a better time to enjoy this aspect following the major improvements which come with Allied Force. Many people though have had problems finding other players to team up with. So today we begin to list some of the most important and significant community servers offering the best flavour of Allied Force online. These are running our latest update, Patch Two (taking the simulation to v1.0.3), so make sure your install is fully up to date. They are also running TeamSpeak as the voice communications tool for players.
Two of the most popular servers, along with their details, are as follows: Server
Server IP address - given when you connect to the teamspeak server
Teamspeak IP address -
Campaign detail - Balkans 2005 - DETAILS
Message from the Host: This server is dedicated to the maximum level of realism this simulator has to offer and to those who wish to fly in a co-ordinated manner. Great care goes into all aspects of campaign theatre planning between flights to be sure no assets are wasted. It is not a "pop-in and fly" type server - we take maximum pride in our overall affect on the big picture. Server is online 1400-0700 GMT seven days a week and we welcome new pilots.
Multivipers Server
Server IP address -
Teamspeak IP details -
Campaign detail - Korea 2005
Message from the Host: Please connect to my teamspeak server to receive instruction on connecting to the FalconAF server, then instructions on mission planning. If you are new player and you need help, don't be afraid to ask. The server runs 24/7 allowing people from all over the world in different time zone the ability to connect and play.
In addition, there are many more servers located at
Do connect up, register and check out those available.
Finally, Lead Pursuit is delighted to have received a top award from for Best Combat Flight Simulator 2005. All of us here appreciate the recognition from a leading flight simulation site. The award can be seen below.
Sympa dite-donc, enfin si mon anglais ne me fais pas trop défaut, ils mettent l'IP d'un serveur de campagne online ? plus l'adresse TS?
Confirmez-moi les "anglophone".....