SA - Magazine En Ligne

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SA - Magazine En Ligne


Message par FLANKERATOR »


Situational Awarness ou SA est le premier magazine en ligne traitant du monde multijoueur des meilleurs simulations PC a ce jour. Le magazine couvre DCS en ce moment, d'autres simulations pourraient apparaître prochainement.

Le système de classement des joueurs est base sur les meilleurs normes en la matière et propose donc un classement mondial par joueur et par équipe.

Les meilleures performances y sont relatées et mises a jour régulièrement.

Les joueurs ont aussi accès au gestionnaires d’événements pour faciliter la création et la gestion d’événements multijoueurs. Les résultats, une fois approuves, seront inclus dans la mise a jour suivante du classement SA.

Toux ceux qui sont intéresses par la publication d'articles traitant du monde multijoueurs peuvent se présenter et acquérir les droits de publications d'articles sur le site.

Le magazine vise, dans un futur proche, a décrocher des contrats de sponsoring pour récompenser les meilleurs compétiteurs dans chaque simulation.

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Message par FLANKERATOR »

Mise a jour :
  1. Page "Hall Of Fame" (Panthéon) ajoutée.
  2. Page d'enregistrement des Pilotes ajoutée.
Prochains changements :
  1. Optimisation pour appareils mobiles/iPhone.
  2. Page Statistiques de Combat.
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Message par FLANKERATOR »


FC2 1v1 Dogfight Tournament

Initial intent was a P-51 1vs1 BFM contest but according to general feedback, DCS World's MP is not very stable yet and ED is obviously working hard on a patch to fix that. Meanwhile, SA is glad to announce its 1st FC2 1vs1 BFM tournament.

Rules(please read carefully):

- 1 vs 1 BFM competition (guns only).
- Best of 3 rounds with knock out stages.
- Event type : STT (Short Term Tournament).
- Minimum players for the tournament to start : 16
- Maximum players before closing the sign up : 32
- Top 8 players will earn SA points.
- Event rating will be determined according to the average SA Ranking. The higher the rating, the more points at stake.
- Players will be seeded according to SA Rankings.
- Map will be ready soon for download. (Ramp start. Initial distance between opponents about 100km. Bases will be protected by short range SAM's)
- Authorized payload : Cannon only
- External views and padlock prohibited
- Free fuel setting.
- Both players have to take off simultaneously, reach the target zone on time and stay within the CAP area for at least 3mn. Exiting the CAP bubble too early is considered a loss regardless of the round outcome.
- To collect the round, players must neutralize opponent (actual kill or tactical kill), RTB and land on home base.
- 1 refuel/rearm is allowed per round for each player.
- Players can alternate hosting and swap air bases after each round.
- Final scores have to be reported here using the comments section below.
- In case of a dispute, players have to upload their track using the upload widget located on the sidebar.

For booking :
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Merci pour l'info.

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Message par FLANKERATOR »

A very cool courtesy promo video featuring the imminent FC2 1vs1 dogfight event made by the popular video editing artist “Slamraam” aka “Slam”.

Check out Slam’s impressive YouTube channel and subscribe to stay in touch with every new release :

Tournament draw and matches schedule will be published in the coming 24 hours and registration will be then closed. Meanwhile, 4 free slots are still available. To book your slot : ... urnament-2

Do not forget to watch the video in HD full-screen here : Image
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Message par FLANKERATOR »

Congratulations to =Alpha=KOT from Russia, our FC2 1vs1 Guns Only Tournament Winner!


This tournament was the first edition of the TOP GUN Series events.
As previously mentioned, a video featuring best moments of semi-finals and final match is being worked on and will be available asap.

Next similar event may be around the corner already and will probably be an FC3 event, and we hope to get more participants next time. Sponsors are also being contacted to offer prizes/rewards in the future.
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Message par FLANKERATOR »

Quick update as SA Forums are now up and running.
Besides news and MP dedicated forums, there is a main general forum for all discussion purposes for now and may break down into sub-forums later depending on what would be the major topics.

SA Forums will help keep the community together by providing a convenient place to discuss anything and everything related to the MP world.

Feel free to visit, register and eventually leave your feedback and/or suggestions :
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Message par FLANKERATOR »

Quick heads up as we have transfer of power in both DCS/FC A2A and A2G Rankings.
Check out related article and complete September results :
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Message par FLANKERATOR »


SA Magazine is proud to announce the launch of ‘SA Battles’, a new Multiplayer combat league starting this month as a SA Rankings official T.M.C event (Tactical Mission / Campaign).

SA-Battles has been created to give the multiplayer community more events and the chance to work as part of a large scale organized coalition with realistic objectives and missions.

Events will be split into 2 different formats.

First is the traditional Red vs Blue with both teams having equal air and ground assets just like previous OPFOR events.

The second format will mirror the real world Red Flag operation as close as possible with an outnumbered RedFor taking on an extremely capable BluFor. RedFor pilots for the Red Flag events will be invited to compete based on SA rankings and Squadron performance to take on the best of the rest in a fight outnumbered at least 2to1 with a very clear objective….. defend!

The event missions will be large scale and engineered to replicate modern day air war objectives. Both sides in all SA-Battle events will be fully complimented with EWR and AWACS assets from the off. We have chosen to steer away from the traditional ‘Target Area’ set up for SA-Battles, instead the ground war will exclusively focus on the SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defence)assets and EWR stations. The ‘air war’ is all about total air supremacy over friendly ground stations and the protection of AWACS and Tanker assets, this results in both teams having to plan very carefully in the assignment of CAPs and managing the number of aircraft available during the 4 hour competition.
Red and Blue sides will both be lead by a Force Commander (FoComm) the selection of the FoComm will be done on an application basis through the new SA forum.

Complete Article and Registration on our Forum : ... p?f=9&t=11
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Message par FLANKERATOR »

SA Battles Round 1 Official Results here :

Congratulations to bluefor for convincing victory, also to Spade from the 104th squadron and HiJack for outstanding performance.

Thanks to all participants and also to 51st squadron for hosting the event on their dedicated server.

Round 2 is around the corner with a lot of exciting stuff and will be a DCS World MP event. More news soon.
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Message par FLANKERATOR »

Site back online with new look and main structure update to reflect focus on DCS World and FC3. Welcome back !
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Message par FLANKERATOR »

Here we go, while most of our partners are still working on their events for the SA Tour 2013 season, we have come up with a preliminary schedule listing the events that have been or about to be completed. We will keep updating it as more events will be added soon. We will also publish official presentation, briefing, points breakdown, exact date and open registration for each event ahead of time. So far:
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Message par FLANKERATOR »

Operation Codename: Phoenix’s Nest

”Phoenix’s Nest” is the first 2013 event of the SA Online Tour for DCS World.
The main goal is to gather virtual Squadrons as well as lone-wolves from the DCS multiplayer community with the aim to create a realistic battlefield scenario opposing 2 main coalitions where each side will have to achieve one or several tactical goals in a limited period of time in order to claim victory.

Test Run : 24th of May (Friday) 18:00 zulu time
Official Sortie : 1st of June (Saturday) 18:00 zulu time

Registration Deadline : 23rd of May

For more information:
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Message par FLANKERATOR »


SATAC is a Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 Force on Force match based community event for Air Superiority virtual squadrons and wings. This event has been initially created by the 51st PVO Regiment in 2011 but got postponed since then. Now with FC3 officially released, we feel this could be the right moment to finally run this exciting contest of teamwork and proficiency and what better air combat simulator to host such showdown than DCS World.

Many squadrons are very active online and run advanced training programs for their pilots. FC1 era has seen RvE on top as they won the FORTIS dogfight championship twice. With FC2, we have seen the undefeated 51st PVO regiment in the spotlight with more than 20 wins in a row over many squadrons between 2008 and 2011.

Will RvE resuscitate to claim the 2013 crown, will 51st come out on top and prove teamwork and discipline unbeatable, will 104th experienced and talented pilots prevail or will we witness the rise of a new squadron?

SATAC 2013 is the next episode and the online battlefield has never been fiercer, who will rise to the challenge and shine as the ultimate 2013 Air Superiority virtual Squadron?

More info at :
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Message par FLANKERATOR »

SATAC kicked off this weekend. Keep an eye on this event's news and results at:

Also Check out rest of the SA tour schedule at:

More events will be added soon as we aim to go for 10 events at least before the end of the year.

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Message par FLANKERATOR »

Registration open for our 3rd event: the DCS 1000 Endurance Race:
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Message par FLANKERATOR »

SATAC 2013 is now officially over. Congratulations to 51st PVO Regiment for their victory and thanks to all participating squadrons.

More info at:
SATAC 2013 Official page:
June 2013 Points conversion at:

Next event will be confirmed soon.
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Re: SA - Magazine En Ligne


Message par FLANKERATOR »

Hey guys, site is back online, thank you all for your patience.


Brand new theme, layout, main banner and logo redesigned from scratch.
New theme is now responsive and will fit any screen size.
New question/answer section for new DCS pilots.
Personal coaching by an official instructor soon available.
Squadrons looking for new members can post their offers as well.
Possibility for server owners and MP organizers to register their events for SA coverage and include the final results into the SA pilot rankings.

I have tried to double check everything before publishing, kindly report any

issue to: while specifying your browser and version.

Stay tuned for an imminent battle that will be announced soon.
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Jeune Pilote
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Re: SA - Magazine En Ligne


Message par THRUST »

Très beau site.
[align=]"L'Ecole de lutte est Russe"

PC 286 SX 25 "One Again", protégé par fusible 6 Amp à voyant, Tour moyenne avec silentblocs Watamaga incorporés très haut de gamme, 1.44 meg de RAM Pimston, DD25 meg, CG 2 meg, écran "WAOU" (diagonale 12 " ) couleur, lecteur de floppy 5" 1/4, web cam 8 mm à bande. Joystick "Amolette" deux axes à retour de farce.
alim 12 watts Petacool 220 V in 12v out, fil rouge sur bouton rouge, et fil bleu sur bouton bleu.[/align]
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Re: SA - Magazine En Ligne


Message par FLANKERATOR »



Our new event is ready to roll. Operation Joint Warrior will be a prized event sponsored by Simpit Technologies.

Prize Pool – Simpit Technologies

A2A best performer: One FREE 1,3m x 5,4m Trident HD projection screen (value USD $1 700) – Shipping is NOT included. The shipping dimensions will be 42cm tube which is 132cm long.
A2A runner-up: 50% discount on same as above.
A2A 3rd place: 25% discount on same as above.
A2G winner: 50% discount on same as above
A2G runner-up:25% discount on same as above.
A2G 3rd place: free Thrustmaster Warthog extension

We will be running this 15vs15 GCI event over the 3-4 May weekend, so we will have 2 battles. This will allow more people to participate.

Applications need to be submitted on ... ost2045924 but before, make sure to check the details of the event here:

The SA Team
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Re: SA - Magazine En Ligne


Message par FLANKERATOR »


Joint Warrior 3 is the 3rd sequel of our Joint Warrior tactical battle series for Digital Combat Simulator, which we started a few months ago in association with both, the 104th Virtual Fighter and Bomber Squadron and the 51st PVO Regiment.

After the success of JW1 an JW2, here we come again for more action inviting DCS pilots across the globe to join us for another night of force on force air combat.

Joint Warrior 3 is the perfect opportunity for those who would like to improve themselves as DCS combat pilots as we will once again have some of the finest pilots out for blood.
Beyond the competition aspect itself, JW is also a great gathering of people sharing the same hobby and an excellent opportunity to forge new friendships and interact with some of the most iconic squadrons on the DCS scene.

Read more about this on: ... -the-best/
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Re: SA - Magazine En Ligne


Message par FLANKERATOR »


Chers pilotes,

Le classement SA vient d’être développé d'avantage et incorpore 2 nouveaux critères: par escadrille et par pays.

Détails disponible au lient suivant:
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Re: SA - Magazine En Ligne


Message par FLANKERATOR »


We are proud to announce that the second round of the DCS Top Gun BFM competition will start on Saturday 14th of November 2015. Top Gun R2 is at the name implies a guns only PvP competition meaning that the only weapon that the jets will be allowed to carry is the cannon.

This event will be hosted by TAW crew (The Art Of Warfare) on their dedicated servers running the latest 1.5 version of DCS world. TAW have been contributing in many ways to the success of our past events so we are glad to see them evolving into official partners alongside the 104th Phoenix and the 51st PVO.

The mission itself is a courtesy of 104th_Stuge and we would like to thank him for his top quality work in putting all the pieces together to come up with an accurate and professional DCS mission dedicated to dogfighting.

Only PFM-equipped modern fighters will be used, i.e, The Su-27 Flanker and the F-15C Eagle; the competition will also feature two separate draws: 1v1 and 2v2.

This is an SA-sanctioned PvP competition and as such it will count for the DCS air-to-air rankings.

Full details of the event are available here:

There is also a prizepool and some interesting features, so make sure you check out the link above!
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Re: SA - Magazine En Ligne


Message par FLANKERATOR »

Guys, I’ve got a treat for you today! I’m interviewing Gareth ‘Maverick’ Moore, he an F-15C virtual pilot, leader of the 104th Fighter Squadron and the designer of the popular Joint Warrior and Red Flag tactical warfare events for DCS World.

Link: ... k-moore-2/
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Re: SA - Magazine En Ligne


Message par FLANKERATOR »

Here is the official review of the latest event: Top Gun 2

A lot has also shifted in the SA rankings as Finnish pilots grabbed 4 top 10 seats in the A2A category.

Next destination: Red Flag Nevada with the sign up still open

Also SATAC championship waiting on DCS 1.5 release to get a kick off date.


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