L'UV3 (partiel) de Tiger_33 sur HSFX 7

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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1467
Inscription : 21 octobre 2004

L'UV3 (partiel) de Tiger_33 sur HSFX 7


Message par micksaf »


Semblerait que l'UV3 partiel de Tiger_33 soit maintenant possible sur HSFX 7

Voir ici:

A: Introduce a single flypast with Tigers flyby sound (F3 by default I think but check you have a key bound to flyby in your controls setup)

B: Cockpit volume level change between open and closed canopy

C: Introduce Tigers gear and flap sound

D: Introduce WepEffect where you get blue exhaust flame after 98% throttle. (If you don't want this effect add this line to the config.ini under the MODS tab, WepEffect=0

E: The Holygrail start flame will become active

F: Landing touch down with bounces will screech the tires evey time

G: Introduce the setting of 64 channels under sound setup

http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/t ... 376.0.html

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