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Publié : lun. nov. 22, 2004 8:37 pm
par sUrgeon312
I'm sorry my French is really bad, and I have a question no one can answer till now (hopefully)

I can't break the padlock!
I'm using LockOn 1.02.

The PAdlock just works fine. I can cycle padlock by hitting the padlock again. Strange is that in A2G mode I'm cycling through points in the terrain and not in ground targets although they are in range. But breaking the Padlock doesn't work.

Who can help me???

Publié : lun. nov. 22, 2004 8:54 pm
par Psycho
The key to break padlock isn't the same for engage it. use "vernum" key for turn off padlock.

Publié : lun. nov. 22, 2004 9:01 pm
par geronimo
You should use the "num lock" key to unlock the padlock !

arf.... grilllllèèèèèd ! :angry:

Publié : mar. nov. 23, 2004 7:32 am
par sUrgeon312
Thx, reassigned my keystrokes and all work just fine now!

But, what is wrong with the A2G padlock, I'm just cycling points in the terrain!!


Publié : mar. nov. 23, 2004 10:36 am
par Oxitom
If you want a a2a padlock, you choose a a2a combat mode (key 2 at 6). :)

Publié : mar. nov. 23, 2004 11:05 am
par Psycho
Je pense qu'il veux savoir pourquoi quand il padlock au sol il cycle des points et non des cibles ...

mais ça je sais pas.

Sorry sUrgeon i'd never used A2G padlock.