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** EF-2000 Superpit released **

Publié : ven. mars 24, 2006 2:05 pm
par Aeyes
Today the EF-2000 Typhoon Superpit add-on for Falcon4.0 is released.
This add-on does not only stretch the limits a bit further with what is possible in a 2D environment cockpit, but also has some extra's included.

This EF-2000 add-on will only be for SP4+BM2, FF3, FF3.1 and FF3.1+C1 versions.
In other words a BMS2.exe is the least requirement due to the many additional callbacks and features that are used.

Also, a special word of thanks for both Daws and Homercide, Daws for his 3D wings in the 2D cockpit, and Homercide for his excellent installer, capable of doing things I only hoped it could, and for any of the above versions.





There are 4 sets of skins for different European Airforces that are currently or about to be using the Typhoon in active duty, the German Airforce, the Royal Air Force, The Italian AirForce and the Austrian Airforce. The main reason to add these high resolution textures is because you see them when looking outside the cockpit at 4 and 8 o'clock directions.





Also available is a specific set of EF-2000 splashes, to make your flights and EF-2000 experience complete during loading and leaving missions.



Ofcourse to make installing easier you can also download the splashinstaller utility, that has all Superpits splashes integrated and allows for easy switching between different splashes. Available at the website.

A features list of what is included:
- Views Day and night time - The normal and wideview cockpit is not available, in the EF-2000 Superpit was chosen for an 'in between' cockpit, not wide not close up but with maximum visibility and panel image quality. Big advantage is ability to switch in the cockpit during flight between the day and nightlit cockpit.
- Nightlighting - For flying at night, push keys Shift-2 for enabling the night time cockpit with backlit panels
- Tacan/map -Clicking down or keycombination Shift-1 shows the reference view for TACAN selection and a map.Clicking further down pans to the nightlit cockpit. Panning up from this view shows the normal daytime cockpit. Panning sideways shows other theaters' reference guides like Desert Storm and Balkans
- Displays - The MHDD displays (Multifunctional Head Down Displays) are made clickable in a 'touchscreen' mode, meaning you can operate the display by pressing the area that is showing.
- Kneeboard - The right knee has a browsable rampstart checklist, a fence in/out checklist, a refuelling checklist, an AA/AAA threat list and basic EF-2000 systems/Abreviations information. Browsing is done by left and right clicking.
- Moving map - There is a moving map showing in the MMD (Moving Map Display) along with 3rd display data.
- Rampstart - A full rampstart is possible, checklists are available in Word and in PDF format and on the right kneeboard in the simulation.
- Textures Included in the add-on are 4 different textures for the exterior plane. German Air Force JG-73 sqn, Italian Airforce 4 Stormo sqn, UK Royal Air Force and Austrian Airforce textures, matching the real Airforce sqns.
- Converted F-16 avionics to EF-2000 - There are a large number of items adjusted so that they better resemble EF-2000 avionics. One example is the combination of an ADI and HSI in one display, including a VVI and range/course digits indication. Another example is the items that are displayed on the MHDD's when doing a rampstart and when in combat. This info is retrieved from actual EF-2000 movies and rampstart pictures.

The pilot that flies the EF-2000 will notice that it is an aergonomically well designed plane, a comfortable cockpit since a lot of handling happens in one view direction in the front. Pilots that use tools like Gamevoice can increase realism with the use of Voicecommands, like in the real Typhoon. Ofcourse the cockpit is also fully clickable. A big bonus is that it carries a lot of weapons, it is very powerful and flies like a dream.
To go to the website:


Publié : ven. mars 24, 2006 3:27 pm
par Jallie
ça va faire des envieux ! ;)

Publié : ven. mars 24, 2006 3:28 pm
par jeanba
[quote="Jallie"]ça va faire des envieux ! ]
C'est vrai, il n'a même pas fait de décoration française

:exit: et vite, je crois ...

Very nice work, aeyes :sorcerer:

Publié : ven. mars 24, 2006 3:42 pm
par Ghostrider
Thx lot for this information....

Publié : sam. mars 25, 2006 1:37 am
par eutoposWildcat
Wow, this is very impressive! Thanks! :)

Publié : sam. mars 25, 2006 9:03 pm
par Bolo
Ouai, c'est du super boulot sauf que c'est pas aeyes que j'applaudis...

Publié : sam. mars 25, 2006 11:41 pm
par tantefine
Famas a écrit :Ouai, c'est du super boulot sauf que c'est pas aeyes que j'applaudis...

salut; ah bon qui donc alors sois precis mon petit....

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 12:02 am
par Bolo
Vous verrez en temps voulu, vous inquiétez pas pour ça ;)

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 12:31 am
par tantefine
ben voyons vla encore une reponse de politicien

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 12:46 am
par Bolo
Ouai stu veux LoL.

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 12:53 am
par tantefine
bon ben on saura donc surement jamais ou vont tes applaudissements alors; c'est vraiment dommage , mais bon c'est souvent comme ca la chasse au dahu(t).....

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 3:08 pm
par Ric
vous saurez très vite à qui vont les applaudissements. :)
Néanmoins, aeyes a une grande qualité: bien que voleur, il est très fort pour faire de la pub...

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 3:12 pm
par Bolo
[quote="tantefine"]bon ben on saura donc surement jamais ou vont tes applaudissements alors]

T'inquiètes pas, tu sauras où vont les applaudissement ;)

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 3:12 pm
par eutoposWildcat
Ferais-tu référence à ça ?

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 3:13 pm
par Ric
Le travail de ce cockpit est issu d'une collaboration franco allemande entre deux fondus du typhoon.

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 3:14 pm
par Bolo
Wildcat et la perspicacité :) C'est bien mon ptit parasite! :) Et encore, regarde ces screens datent d'un an.
Mais on en dit pas plus pour le moment.

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 3:15 pm
par eutoposWildcat
Wildcat et la perspicacité
Quand on passe, comme moi, beaucoup trop de temps sur les forums, et qu'on a une bonne mémoire... :tongue:

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 3:16 pm
par Bolo
:tongue: :tongue:

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 3:26 pm
par Ghostrider
Si effectivement il y a plagiat ou vol c est plutot grave comme accusation :(

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 4:31 pm
par PiF
Oula, c'est pour cela qu'il faut mettre le petit © sur les ss, comme ça le aeyes il peut rien faire...

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 4:41 pm
par Aeyes
Wild Angel a écrit :vous saurez très vite à qui vont les applaudissements. :)
Néanmoins, aeyes a une grande qualité: bien que voleur, il est très fort pour faire de la pub...
bien que voleur?? ?

Ok in english is easier for me.

And this also for Famas

I do not like to be called a thief, the EF-2000 Superpit cockpit material is made by me and the EF2000 project by Viking and Eole is made by them.

Maybe what you see is use of basic reference material but that material is in the public domain, plus everything in the Superpit is drastically changed and much improved. I wouldnt start accusing me just like that. A lot of hours and hard work went in to this cockpit and the 2 projects where being done at the same time not knowing of eachother. I said about a year ago already that I was working on a EF-2000 if that counts.
Look at it this way, the other EF-2000 add-on will be a freeware add-on, so for those that don't want to pay for a Superpit add-on, they can download the EF-2000 by Eole/Viking in a few weeks or months probably.

And do me a favor, when u start with politics and accusations, make sure you know what youy are talking about.


Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 5:46 pm
par Ric
And do me a favor, when u start with politics and accusations, make sure you know what youy are talking about.
For information, Eole is in my squadron, we sometimes spoke with viking, and these are not only accusations, but also informations.

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 6:11 pm
par Aeyes
Wild Angel a écrit :For information, Eole is in my squadron, we sometimes spoke with viking, and these are not only accusations, but also informations.
Well, the moment I saw that both me and Viking/Eole where working on the EF-2000 simultaneously I wrote Viking a PM to apologise that I didn't know they where also working on it and that I couldn't stop at that moment since I had already advanced very far. I said the two add-ons where complimenting eachother because they made a large freeware add-on for 1024 res while mine was for 1600x1200 res. Viking agreed that they where both complimentary.

I still don't see why you and Famas have the right to call me a thief, I did certainly not steal anything. So your information must be wrong.

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 6:17 pm
par Bolo
Yeah, the public domain is the Eole and Viking's screen, no?

I didn't say that you don't work on this pit. I see that you work on the views, but, I accused the fact that the view you have used are the same of Eole and Viking without ask the permission to do that. In the same time it's logical because you wouldn't have the permission.

Sure, their pit isn't finish, but, I know Viking and Eole and I don't doubt of the quality of their work.


PS : Viking and Eole work on this pit for more one year old too.

Publié : dim. mars 26, 2006 6:24 pm
par Bolo
Well, we know very well Viking and Eole, we will ask them. But, If Viking agreed, Eole would be informed. Well, I will ask Viking and Eole in order to confirm your version.