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Publié : ven. févr. 25, 2005 8:20 pm
par eutoposWildcat
Actually, the type of jammer depends on the version, but absolutely all the Mirage 2000 are equipped with internal jammers.
It seems that Mirage 2000-5 and -9 possess the most advanced and comprehensive systems, even if little is really known about the ECM systems of the Mirage 2000.

Publié : ven. févr. 25, 2005 10:26 pm
par BlackPanther
Nice. Thanks.... :lol:

Publié : sam. févr. 26, 2005 8:45 am
You can find some data related to M2K ECM, as far as I know, all are internal... no pods.
Mirage 2000 FM Documentation

Publié : sam. févr. 26, 2005 3:00 pm
par BlackPanther
:drool: :god:
Thanks Topolo, i hope that FF3.1 put the jamm in Mirage2000C.

Publié : sam. févr. 26, 2005 3:10 pm
Its already done in FF3, you can activate Jamer without Pod... and it is efficient

Publié : sam. févr. 26, 2005 4:49 pm
par BlackPanther
Originally posted by TOPOLO@26 Feb 2005, 14:10
Its already done in FF3, you can activate Jamer without Pod... and it is efficient
Mmm, in 2000C ????i will try again.

In falcon all the ECM pod are the same, functionally. Falcon cant modeled the differents pods, so if the Mirage2000 ECM works, its like the F16 alq.


Publié : lun. févr. 28, 2005 4:56 pm
par jojo
When you activate the ECM, you have 5 little (very little) red light which light on under the RWR (see it on the down view). Not very realistic but don't know how to do otherwise.

Moreover I did the Mirage 2000-C cockpit first because I didn't have enough data about other pit (Mirage 2000-5). I had pics of the Mirage 2000-C and not the necessary skill (at that time) to build one pit from a blank page.

After I began to work on the 2000-5 but i switched to the 2000-D to thank a big fan of this aircraft who work on the FM (Topolo).

Publié : lun. févr. 28, 2005 5:12 pm
par Miles teg
Vu ce qu'il consomme, évidemment que tu as fait un 2000-C assoiffé. ;)

Publié : lun. févr. 28, 2005 5:15 pm
par jojo
Il consomme quoi? Comprends pas là (fps, fuel?)

Publié : lun. févr. 28, 2005 5:54 pm
par Miles teg
Moreover I did the Mirage 2000-C cockpit thirst because