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Publié : mar. janv. 04, 2005 2:43 pm
par eric75
Bonjours j'ai fb et pf mergé,mais je trouve les campagnes pf pas encore finies donc je joue aux campagne fb qui brille reellement avec les nouivelles options de PF,j'aimerai savoir quelle ligne de commande je peux rentrer dans mon conf.ini pour avoir+ de random flight par exemple.

Publié : mar. janv. 04, 2005 6:46 pm
par oli
Qu'est-ce que tu appelles Random Flight ??? :ph34r:

Publié : mar. janv. 04, 2005 7:14 pm
par rollnloop
;MissionDistance= (0-300)
;In FB - prefered mission distance in km
;In PF - any value means that carriers are located in shorter than historical distance on maps where it is important - Hawaii, Midway, Marianas.
;SlowFire=(0.5-100, default 5)
;In PF only - ship rate of fire is reduced.
;RandomFlights=(0-5) FB only - a maximal number of random flights.
;FB only - maximal number of AAA en route, does not affect target area.
;PF and FB - max skill level of bombers.
;CampaignLength=(Long,Medium,Short,VeryShort", default VeryLong)
;FB only - allows to reduce a number of missions in campaign.
;FB and PF
;same as simultaneously setting CampaignAI and CampaignMissions
;FB and PF changes default distribution of AI skill by modifying friendly and hostile AI levels.
;FB and PF (no files for PF yet)
;Switches to alternative set of ops files, modifying numbers of friendly and hostile flights.
;PF only
;sets numbers of points after which an operation is considered success or failure, calling alternative debrief.
;PF only
;sets numbers of points after which a war is considered won or lost calling alternative end of war missions.
;BoE only
;Removes additional units active around frontline.
;FB and PF
;Prevents bad weather (thunderstorm, rain, snow)
;FB and PF
;Removes AAA on airfields that are not used in current operation, thus preventing their highligthin on a map (giving away active airfields).
;Murmansk only.
;Player's plane initial airfield is defined by parked static planes.
;PF only
;Allows Japanese to use chutes since start of the war.
;Modifies group size. In PF also modifies a number of random flights.
;Modifies areas where moving and static targets are located. On Low only creates them around active airfields and target area. On Medium there is a limit of 3 moving targets except in target area.
;PromotionRate=(0.0-100.0), default 1.0

Publié : mar. janv. 04, 2005 7:54 pm
par oli
Wow !!

Merci Roll.

Publié : mer. janv. 05, 2005 11:05 am
par eric75
merci et ca ce place ou dans le conf.ini?

Publié : mer. janv. 05, 2005 11:18 am
par rollnloop
tout en bas, comme ça :


Publié : mer. janv. 05, 2005 1:57 pm
par eric75
COOL Merci

Publié : mer. janv. 05, 2005 4:37 pm
par rollnloop
je t' en prie, bons vols :)