j'aimerai bien essayer le bombardement en palier avec ce triporteur pataud, malhabile mais sympa

Open/close canopy opens the machine gun covers. They also open by themselves when near enemy targets or planes. When I fly, I use the "toggle gunsight" key to give me the "long nose" view forward. In that mode, you can look back over your right shoulder and see if the gun canopy is open or closed. This lets you know if an enemy fighter is coming up behind you. The front gun is useful for strafing trucks and halftracks.
Prop pitch: You need to have two keys for this. One high pitch, one low. It doesn't matter what the pitches are as long as they're on either side of 50%... I chose 70% and 20%. The plane spawns at high pitch for take off. When the RPM gets in the 2000 range I switch to low pitch(20%) If you go above 2400 RPM you'll blow the engine. You can see the prop pitch lever on the floor operate to show what pitch it's at. If you go faster than 450KPH, like in a dive, you'll tear the wings off. Engine uses carburators, so if you quicky push the nose down your engines will cut out and possibly shut off.
With the radiators fully open, you can fly all day at 93% throttle without overheating. Propellers are featherable. Fire Extinguisher fires five times for each engine. (If you can't see forward because the front engine is belching black smoke, hitting the fire extinguisher will usually clear it up)
"Tinted reticle" key swings the aiming circle down in front of the front sight, though I find this pretty useless.
Bomb sight: At 93% throttle the plane cruises at 275 KPH. Use "Level Stabilizer" with "trim" set fully up to maintain altitude. I bomb from 1,500 to 2,000m. At 275 KPH on the gauge, that translates to around 300 true airspeed at those altitudes Get in the bomber's position and hit the "toggle bombsight" key. Using the "Bomber Control Keys" enter your velocity(300 KPH true airspeed) Enter your altitude(1500/2000m). (Remember to subtract altitude if the target isn't at sea level) Minor changes in course direction are made with the rudder keys. There are two circle reticles on the bomb sight. When the target is in the forward/front circle... bombs away! Bombs drop pointed downwards... it's almost impossible to "skip bomb" them into the sides of ships.
The torpedo sight is useless. I aim using the front sight post or the nose of the plane. If you drop the torpedo closer than 450m, it will pass under the ship and miss.(from what I'm told)
Flaps are automatic and deploy around 220KPH. When landing give yourself plenty of time to slow down. This plane will glide at low speed forever! Landing gear indicator is at the lower right of the console.
Defensive tactics: Always keep your tail pointed at the enemy. If chased, go into a dive, the enemy will usually follow you... right in line with your tail... right where your gunners want him.