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Publié : sam. mai 07, 2005 2:07 pm
par TekaTeka
Hello! I am TekaTeka.
Sorry, I don't speak French. So I write in English. I hope you understand my words.
Looks like you already know me by my tweaks and mods. I am glad you liked those.

Here is my new thing. It's an unofficial patch for LoMan 2.1 to correspond to Lock On Flaming Cliffs 1.1.
You can see here for the details.
Unofficial LoMan Patch thread @ forum

I have thought I should post this message here because CheckSix is the birth place of LoMan.

I hope it helps. :lol:

Publié : sam. mai 07, 2005 2:33 pm
par phoenix
Don't worry for english language. You're welcome here.

Good job, i will talk about that patch to Skypat. :)

I have just a suggestion, why don't you build a loman addon to install that patch. It will be easier ton install and uninstall. ;)

Publié : sam. mai 07, 2005 2:35 pm
par curli
Merci Teka²

Mais il fait quoi ce patch exactement????


Publié : sam. mai 07, 2005 2:46 pm
par TekaTeka
Originally posted by phoenix@7 May 2005, 12:33
Don't worry for english language. You're welcome here.

Good job, i will talk about that patch to Skypat. :)
Thank you, phoenix! :lol:
I have just a suggestion, why don't you build a loman addon to install that patch. It will be easier ton install and uninstall. ;)
Because LoMan can not install files outside of LockOn folder. :(

Publié : sam. mai 07, 2005 2:50 pm
par TekaTeka
Originally posted by curli@7 May 2005, 12:35
Merci Teka²

Mais il fait quoi ce patch exactement????

Hello, curli.

LoMan can not handle texture files properly in 1.1.
The patch will fix it.

Publié : sam. mai 07, 2005 7:53 pm
par curli
Originally posted by TekaTeka+7 May 2005, 13:50--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TekaTeka @ 7 May 2005, 13:50)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-curli@7 May 2005, 12:35
Merci Teka²

Mais il fait quoi ce patch exactement????

Hello, curli.

LoMan can not handle texture files properly in 1.1.
The patch will fix it. [/b][/quote]
haaaaaaa ok

:D :D


Publié : dim. mai 08, 2005 11:35 pm
par Specnaz
Cela veut donc dire que l'on peut utiliser tous les anciens patchs de la 1.02 sur FC ???

Mais peut on lancer FCdepuis loman ? (a cause de ces histoires de reglages graphiques qui seraient incompatibles ? )

Merci dans tous les cas a toi TEKA² et aux autres aussi qui ont ou vont participer a ce post

Publié : lun. mai 09, 2005 10:24 am
par tontonjoe
Well, i'll help a little :

>>So it implies that we'll be able to use 1.02 patches under FC ?

>>But can we launch FC from loman ('cause of this stuff of uncompatible graphic adjustments ) ?

>>Thanks a lot TEKA², and the others too who participated in or will participate in this post


Publié : lun. mai 09, 2005 7:09 pm
par TekaTeka
Originally posted by tontonjoe+9 May 2005, 08:24--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (tontonjoe @ 9 May 2005, 08:24)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>>>So it implies that we'll be able to use 1.02 patches under FC ?[/b]

I assume 'patches' means 'add-ons'.
I don't promise all the add-ons will run in 1.1FC because they made many changes in the structure of the game. This patch only fixes the install process of the add-ons. I think most of the texture add-ons will run properly. But, do not install flyable-aircraft mods, weapon mods nor country mods, because the file 'MeInit.xml' has been changed. It's better you ask the creator of the add-ons about the compatibility.


>>But can we launch FC from loman ('cause of this stuff of uncompatible graphic adjustments ) ?[/quote]
Yes, you can launch the game from LoMan. I think the graphic settings are still compatible with 1.1FC.

I hope it helps. ;)

Publié : lun. mai 09, 2005 7:11 pm
par Dunmer
It does help! Thanks a lot :)

Publié : lun. mai 09, 2005 7:11 pm
par Elcap
just compare graphic settings files between 1.02 ans 1.1, you'll see that they're a little different...

Publié : lun. mai 09, 2005 11:22 pm
par phoenix
Originally posted by Elcap@9 May 2005, 18:11
just compare graphic settings files between 1.02 ans 1.1, you'll see that they're a little different...
First, i don't have FC, so i can answer only with information that every one gave me.

So if graphics settings are diferents as elcap said. I think you should forget all the graphic settings under Loman/GTR manager.

Elcap, if you have time, may you check with GTR manager which could be better for graphic settings.

Pour les frenchis qui causent pas l'anglois, ou ceux qui comprennent pas mon anglois.

Je déconseille l'utilisation des réglages graphiques via loman. Il est possible que la version intégrée à GTR Manager soit plus à même de s'occuper de la partie graphique de FC, mais ça reste à tester. Biensur, vous le faites à vos risques et périls.

Publié : jeu. mai 12, 2005 9:45 pm
par Dingchavez
But the most important question is: Does the Mirage2000 mod work properly under FC ??? :P :lol:

Thx 4 the answer...

Publié : ven. mai 13, 2005 1:04 am
par TekaTeka
Originally posted by Dingchavez@12 May 2005, 19:45
But the most important question is: Does the Mirage2000 mod work properly under FC ??? :P :lol:

Thx 4 the answer...
No. You should not use it. :(
There are many changes on weapons and aircrafts' color schemes in 1.1FC. The mod will mess those up.
Ask the creators of the mod to update. :help:

Publié : ven. mai 13, 2005 12:40 pm
par Dingchavez
Thx a lot TekaTeka!!!

Bon, j'en appelle donc aux excellent moddeurs qui nous ont gratifiés du Mirage2000 : siouplais, c'est possible de faire les modifs si vous avez un peu de temps??? :huh: :banana:

Bon, en fait, je supose que c'est déjà en chantier mais c'est au cas où
hop :exit:

Thx again TekaTeka!!!

Publié : dim. mai 15, 2005 11:02 am
par ezechiel203
Originally posted by TekaTeka+13 May 2005, 00:04--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TekaTeka @ 13 May 2005, 00:04)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Dingchavez@12 May 2005, 19:45
But the most important question is: Does the Mirage2000 mod work properly under FC ??? :P :lol:

Thx 4 the answer...
No. You should not use it. :(
There are many changes on weapons and aircrafts' color schemes in 1.1FC. The mod will mess those up.
Ask the creators of the mod to update. :help: [/b][/quote]
Yep, the MEinit.xml was deeply modified during the devlopment of Flaming Cliffs. If you install the M2k mod, the current 1.1 Meinit file will pe replaced by the former one (i.e : meinit tweaked from 1.02).
I can tell you many things have changed, weapons, fuel tanks and smoke pods as well as many others improvements (buildings, seasons, and so and so on). As Teka² said, you would play with an hybrid lomac version, half 1.02 half 1.1 :wacko: .
In order the m2k mod to work, it's necessary the authors update their add-on with the last meinit version ;)