Le Missionneur 2006

Strike Fighter Project 1

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Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 13
Inscription : 08 septembre 2004


Message par playermg »

_Thomas_ a écrit :Ok ... Question : do you set a flight path with some waypoints for any of your flights ?? Flight path are required to have the waypoint in the sim. And waypoints let you initiate the attacks : INITIAL_POINT just before the rush, OBJECTIVE_POINT to clear the objectives , etc ...

Can you upload one of your missions, just to see what it fails ?
Yes, many thanks, how upload a mission to you? I now see in the missionaiore and try, after if I cannot upload I recall you.

Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 13
Inscription : 08 septembre 2004


Message par playermg »

I post my mission in the forum C6, p1 is the name of mission

Topic author
Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1869
Inscription : 05 janvier 2004


Message par TomVenom »

playermg a écrit :I post my mission in the forum C6, p1 is the name of mission

ok , thanx.
I can see at least 3 errors in the mission file :

1- For all Aircraft, Ground and Naval Missions, Heading setting needs to be a number between 0 and 359 in degrees, which represents the cap where points the object. The setting you have put is incorrect : N=O. You need to set it to 315 to represent the North West (I presume N=O means North West).

2- About your Ground Mission you put in your mission, there is a problem : there is no ground object type assigned (mistake ? bug ? don't know). You should delete this object, and create another one in replacement. Be sure to choose correctly the type of the ground object (such as T-54 , etc ...). You should be obliged to give it a name and an alignment.

3- Another point quite strange, the mission header seems to be really corrupted (probably a bug from the tool , due to the too many changes you probably made in your mission). I suggest you to start another mission (not really complicated regarding the 2 objects you put on the first one ;) ).

( NOTE : remember that there are some functionalities in the tool that help you to realize some things quite complicated, such as setting the Takeoffs and Landings to Air Bases).



Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 13
Inscription : 08 septembre 2004


Message par playermg »

many thanks

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