Hello Josse
Voici ce que j'ai pu collecter :
De Sickman, from Schockwave :
"Then there are the LW aircraft which are fun to skin, especially the 109E.
The skinning is what started me off on this modding and not playing.
I have played only 1 LW campaign to finish in the last years.
It was enjoyable and I won.
BTW, aircraft skinning looks much easier than it was with BDG.099
as instead of many different files for diff A/C parts, the skin is on one template.
I've not had time to try it yet. "
Osram, simhq, à propos de l'ouverture du soft :
"Yes, terrain is wide open:
- You can create new 3D objects. Almost any modeller will do.
- You can create new or edit existing textures of the objects (say wall and roof of a building).
- You can edit the ground textures (say ploughed field)
- You can edit/add height data
- You can edit (and very probably add) land use data
- You can place existing or new objects. Either individualy or through templates.
There is already a 3D modellers "bible" .
The BDG already did some terrain modding and we have a volunteer to write a text on terrain editing, summarising all our knowledge, currently spread over several forum threads."
Et enfin, ce qui va t'intéreeser le plus Josse :
Question de Choxaway (simhq) :
"Assuming there is such a word and my apologies if this has been asked and dealt with elsewhere, but I seem to recall aircraft skins were moddable in the original game, as were the sounds. Is the scenery/objects etc also available to be amended by the great unwashed?
One of the welcome features of the M/Soft CFS series was the ability to improve, or at least attempt to improve, just about everything. "
Réponse de Bader (Membre développeur), toujours SimHq :
"Yes, all the things you could change previously, you still can. But it's easier now- planes contain all textures in a smaller number of files, for example. In some cases just one.
Most textures tend to use a new file format, .dds. This allows 2048x2048 texture sizes for aircraft.
And in addition to this you can now import new models. It's not a trivial process but it's very much possible. In fact we rather look forward to user updates."
Je me souviens qu'il y avait un soft recommandé pour les skins, je sais plus faut que je retrouve le post d'Osram dessus...je te tiens au courant.
Pour les personnes ne manaint pas la langue anglaise je peux vous faire une traduction il n'y a aucun souci.
Pélican 72