Mettez les effets de vent sur OFF (en version anglaise WIND EFFECTS et WIND GUST). ... php?t=5670
Pour éviter les comportements erratiques des IA
Pour éviter les comportements erratiques des IA
#1Antec Nine Hundred II - Asus P6X58D-E / Intel X58 - Intel Core I7 950 3 GHz - 6 Go DDR3 1600 MHz Corsair - Windows Seven Professional 64 bits - NVidia Geforce 480 GTX 1,5 Go
Merci pour l'info Oli
Asrock E3 890GX Phenom II X6 @4ghz avec Corsair H50 8go SSD OCZ agility2 HD6950@ 6970 Seven 64
Hulk of Dover Never before in the fields of human gaming has so much been promised by so few and not been delivered to so many.
Hulk of Dover Never before in the fields of human gaming has so much been promised by so few and not been delivered to so many.