en tout cas ça peut s'expliquer au vue de la tres longue liste des changements
petit rappel
1ere annonce
As testing for the 1.11 FC patch is underway, Eagle asked that I periodically discuss a new patch feature. Once the patch is nearly done, I'm sure Eagle will release the complete list. In the meantime, these items will give you an idea of what to look forward to.
A sore point for many Lock On fliers has been the “all seeing” AWACS / EWR radars. I’m happy to report that this issue has been resolved in a big way in the FC 1.11 patch. I may be mistaken, but I believe the AWACS / EWR radar modeling will now be the most realistic for any retail product. Key features of the AWACS radar now include modeling of:
- Terrain masking
- Maximum range
- Minimum range
- Radar horizon calculation
- Target radar cross section (RCS) detection threshold
- Target radial velocity (allows target to use look down Doppler clutter notch)
- Target aspect
- Beam angle towards the target
- Refresh time
EWR radars will now model the following:
- Terrain masking
- Maximum range
- Minimum range
- Radar horizon calculation
- Target radar cross section (RCS) detection threshold
- Target aspect
- Beam angle towards the target
- Refresh time
On a related matter, aircraft with active ECM can no longer be detected through terrain.
2eme annonce
Here are some BVR combat improvements that have been included in the 1.11 patch:
1- In 1.02, several users complained about active radar homing (ARH) missile shots going astray from their intended target. For 1.11, a new conical search pattern is now used when the seeker is attempting to acquire or reacquire a target. The search pattern will start from the longitudinal axis of the missile or the last know position of a designated target and work outwards.
2- A radar lock warning is now given to F-15C/A-10A players when locked by an Su-27/33/MiG-29 in Home On Jam (HOJ) mode. HOJ for these aircraft is not a fully passive system.
3- No radar lock warning is given to Russian aircraft when locked by an F-15C in HOJ mode.
4- The F-15C can no longer identify a jamming target as friendly or enemy.
5- Lock ranges when in Close Air Combat (CAC) modes for Russian aircraft have been decreased to 10 km.
6- If an aircraft has active Electronic Counter Measures (ECM), it is no longer to possible to detect the emitter through terrain.
7- F-15C ECM can now mask other aircraft in the vicinity of the jammer.
8- The Su-27/33 and MiG-29 appear on the TEWS and RWR as a ‘29’ symbol because of radar similarity.
9- If radar lock is broken, Semi Active Radar Homing (SARH) missile seekers will direct their antenna to the last point before lock was broken will reacquire the target if radar lock is reestablished within 5-degrees of that point.
Since my last post, most of the testing has focused on online (multi-day running missions at times) play and the results have shown that most of the bugs identified in Beta 01 have been resolved. Tomorrow or early next week we'll probably move along to Beta 03 which I hope may be a final candidate; we'll see... At this point I really can't estimate a release date as anything could still crop up and usually does when I make the mistake of citing a date.
Here are a dozen more items that have been addressed in the patch:
1- Force Feedback support to aircraft using the Standard Flight Model (SFM) has been improved.
2- AGM-154s will no longer collide if dropped in salvo mode.
3- AGM-154 will no longer perform unrealistic flight maneuvers.
4- Air Launched Cruise Missiles (ALCM), will no longer engage moving targets.
5- Save states now work more reliably if the player has taken off or landed during the mission.
6- The game will no longer turn to night and crash if the player ejects, recovers, ejects again and recovers, then exits the mission.
7- The Target Designation (TD) box no longer moves inverted if assigned to a joystick axis.
8- Loadouts may now be edited in campaign missions.
9- When jumping to another aircraft, cannon ammunition and chaff/flares levels will now be correct.
10- The A-10A gun pipper is no longer unstable when used from high altitude.
11- The wheels of client aircraft now turn.
12- Destroyed aircraft can no longer trigger a radar lock warning.
As inclusion of new features in the 1.11 patch is pretty much complete and remaining work is mostly focused on improving multiplayer further, this will probably be the last update post prior to patch release.
1- Cockpit visibility has been increased, allowing greater view around ejection seat.
2- Lighting reflections have been added to all canopies.
3- Clients can now always enter their selected aircraft if the server has been running for more than eight hours.
4- Client stability in multiplayer has been increased.
5- Client aircraft no longer shake when on the ground if in the Caucasus region.
6- View editing of client recorded track files has been corrected.
7- In order to correctly view 1.1 training tracks, a utility has been provided that negates the new missile logic.
8- The "Press S" client message is no longer displayed at the start of a multiplayer game.
9- Su-25T cockpit lights will no longer work unless the aircraft power has been turned on.
10- Landing approach audio cues now cease once over the runway threshold.
11- Players may now recover on an aircraft carrier after it has turned.
12- If two clients simultaneously spawn on an aircraft carrier deck, the program will no longer crash.
13- New AIM-54C model by Mig-Mag
dernière en date trouvée ici http://forum.lockon.ru/showthread.php?t ... ge=4&pp=10
The leakage of memory during switching of scenes in tuning of drawing is removed. Leakage was manifested with the sequential load of missions or tracks with the different level of scenes. This was manifested also in mul'tipleyere if tuning the density of scenes on the server they did not coincide with tuning of scenes in player.
American aircraft now will have a warning about the launching if launching it is produced from the Russian aircraft on the interference. Russian aircraft not will have warnings about the launching in the case of the launch on them of rockets from aircraft F -15c in regime HOJ. The special features of the realization of real systems are modelled.
Is removed bag kotryy it led to the absence of warning about the irradiation of rocket with active GSN, whose carrier after launching was destroyed.
The distances of seizure BRLS in the regimes of close battle are limited by 10 km for the Russian destroyers even 10 by miles for the American destroyers.
Is removed bag which it led to the possibility of detection with the radar of the aircraft of the purpose with the switch oned jammer through area relief (mountain).
In patch is included the fixed price with LOD-ami of ground-based technology accessible earlier for the rocking from the official site.
F -15c no longer can identify the purpose of friend-foe if it places active jamming.
The seizure of radar more not will occur instantly on F -15c in regime Vertical Scan (VS).
Is corrected the incorrect work of reserve the gyrohorizon of aircraft F -15c
The incorrect work of the magnetic compass of aircraft F, is corrected.
Aircraft F -15c no longer will be able to detect purpose locating beyond the aircraft with the switch oned jammer.
A quantity of dipole reflectors (TO) and thermal decoys (LTTS) on aircraft F -15 is changed. Now it will have 120 to 60 LTTS.
On the warning systems of the western aircraft of mark from the radars of Russian destroyers Su-27/33 and MiG-29 they will be identical in the form of symbol 29. This is explained by impossibility to classify aircraft according to the very close parameters of emission BRLS N -001 and by N -019
Rockets with active GSN will now use scanning coordinator GSN on the conical scan. Scanning begins from the axis of rocket in the case of random launching or from the direction to the extreme position of purpose in the case of disrupting the tracking.
The angle of deflections of the coordinator GSN of active and thermal rockets are reduced to the real values.
Is corrected bag leading to turning off of the loftovoy trajectory of surface-to-air missiles with the launchings in the direction of the center of the Crimea.
For the aircraft of distant radar detection and control (DRLOiU) is modelled real radar which it has limitations inherent in pulsed-Doppler radars. Now the range of detection of purpose depends on EPR of purpose, radial velocity of rapprochement, absolute velocity, closing by relief, by the background of the earth. There are concepts of the minimum and maximum detectable range, angle of the zone of scanning, frequency of renovation. The maximum detectable range of purpose with EPR of 100 square meters. (Tu-95, V -52) it comprises for aircraft E -3 - 600 km, A -50 of -550 km, E -2 - 520 km.
For the station of the early radar detection of yLye, shchshchZh' is modelled the real radar, which has limitations inherent in pulse radars. Now the range of detection of purpose depends on EPR of purpose, absolute velocity, closing by relief, by the background of the earth. There are concepts of the minimum and maximum detectable range, angle of the zone of scanning, frequency of renovation. The maximum detectable range of purpose with EPR of 100 square meters. (Tu-95, V -52) it is 500 km EPR of aircraft "Stealth" F -117, during irradiation by stations of meter range, noticeably increases and approaches EPR of the usual aircraft of similar geometric dimensions.
Error with the absence of reflections on the lamp of aircraft is corrected.
Is corrected error leading in mul'tipleyere to the impossibility of player- clients to fall into the aircraft in the case of the work of server of more than 8 it is hour.
The stability of clients in mul'tipleyere was increased.
With the game into mul'tipleyer is removed the vibration of the aircraft of clients in the Caucasian region.
Is removed a number of the errors of the causing incorrect playback tracks of tracks recorded in mul'tipleyere after editing.
False communication "press key S" appearing in clients removed.
The illumination of cab with otkyuchenii of electric power supply no longer works.
The sometimes appearing false responses of neighbor and outer markers on the airfields in the case of the flight of strip are removed.
The counter of traps on aircraft A -10a was corrected.
In mul'tipleyere it became possible to be restored on the deck of aircraft carrier after a change in the trajectory of its motion. This no longer it leads to kreshu.
If two clients simultaneously appear at the deck of aircraft carrier, this no longer it leads to kreshu. They will appear on one position in each other. This is provisional measure to the development of the valuable support of aircraft carrier in mul'tipleyere.
Is improved the support of joysticks with Force Feedback in flight on the aircraft with the standard flying model.
The planning container Agm-154 more not it will perform the uncharacteristic maneuvers before destruction of target.
Cruise missiles no longer can strike the moving targets.
The inversion of the axes of target indicator on some aircraft is removed.
With pereprygivaniya into another aircraft is removed the error with an incorrect quantity of projectiles of gun.
Wheels on the aircraft of clients will be twisted.
Is added the picture of main menu with the logotype "hot cliffs".
The index of the tendency of velocity change on ILS of Russian aircraft is changed. Its displacement to the right means that the aircraft is accelerated, to the left - it is impeded.
New protection circuit from copying is introduced. Now the protective system will check disk not more frequent than the time in the week.
The system for protection from copying StarForce now supports it 'ya-.bit MS Windows.
Old ed model S -8 is substituted new from Aleksandr "Redline" Solovkova.
Old ed of model Hydra 70, ALARM, and Sea Eagle are substituted by new from Georgiy "GYS71" titmouse.
Old ed model Rim-66 is substituted new from Dmitriy krichinskiy.
Old ed of model KAB -1500, 9M113 and 9M114 are substituted new from Marat "Aim" Zeynetdinova.
Old ed of model Cbu-97 and Kormoran are substituted new from Mars Marbot.
Old ed of the model OF FAB-YSHCH00 and S -5 are substituted new from Peter "Peter Pan" Ruzanova.
Old ed of model X -65, Bl-755, Agm-62, Agm-154, Agm-8Рє, Agm-119, Gbu-12, Gbu-16, Gbu-27 and Zuni are substituted new from Yuri "SuperVasia" Bratukhina.
Old ed model Aim-54c is substituted new from Mig- magician.
in this sheet are represented not all changes in patch it is guided large the number of small, zamechenykh by users, by testers or by developers, errors.