add on Lock On "Black Shark " has been
Publié : sam. août 27, 2005 10:27 pm
Un nouvel add on pour lock on, miam miam
>>tiens, y a quelque chose qui se presente a l'horizon
The first alpha version of new add on Lock On "Black Shark " has been
displayed on MAKS 2005 airshow during August, 16 till August, 21.
The 1? publisher has kindly given three computers for demonstration the
helicopter which has caused genuine interest in fans of aviation of the
visited shows for these days
Je sais si ca peut marcher sans s'authentifier ... &end_pos=3
>>tiens, y a quelque chose qui se presente a l'horizon
The first alpha version of new add on Lock On "Black Shark " has been
displayed on MAKS 2005 airshow during August, 16 till August, 21.
The 1? publisher has kindly given three computers for demonstration the
helicopter which has caused genuine interest in fans of aviation of the
visited shows for these days
Je sais si ca peut marcher sans s'authentifier ... &end_pos=3