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Publié : lun. janv. 03, 2005 8:38 pm
par Stackouse
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Advanced Lock On users can get some simulation data from Lock On and set some input control commands to Lock On using special script Config\Export\Export.lua in the Lock On working folder. Lock On uses Lua scripting language ( ) to export some its internal functions. Lua is a programming language so Lock On exporting features are for programmers only. But Lua is so simple that everybody can understand simple Lua scripts. They are text files so you can view and edit them with Notepad or with any other text editor.
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A votre avis on pourra en tirer quelquechose d'exploitable ? En tout cas je trouve ca plutot prometteur, fin bon en meme temps je connais pa grand chose sur la manière d'utiliser les données d'un jeu pour faire des instruments :rolleyes: