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Publié : dim. mai 26, 2013 10:01 am
par MicaGR
bugz a écrit :Hi MicaGR!
Your Cockpit is fantastic!
Your software for Mirage 2000-5 instruments and gauges is awsome!!
I hope the software will be downloadable when it will be finish. I'm very interested.

Hello Bugz,

Nice to hear that you like it....
As for the software, yes when it will be ready, It will be downloadable.


Publié : ven. mai 31, 2013 10:28 am
par MicaGR
Hello to all members,

A small update...
HOPE YOU LIKE IT ;) ... 9.mp4.html

Publié : ven. mai 31, 2013 10:38 am
par Cat
whouahou ! It's wonderful !

Is it your work ? I'd like to know to do the same things like that...

Great job !

Publié : ven. mai 31, 2013 10:39 am
par MicaGR
cat plombe a écrit :whouahou ! It's wonderful !

Is it your work ? I'd like to know to do the same things like that...

Great job !
Me and a friend who is helping me with the coding.

What do you want to do?

Publié : ven. mai 31, 2013 11:05 am
par Cat
I'd like to know how to code, coding anything. One day, maybe...

Publié : ven. mai 31, 2013 2:27 pm
par furycane-ffw03
I think this will interest a lot of people here !
Great job :yes:

Publié : ven. mai 31, 2013 2:36 pm
par MicaGR
furycane-ffw03 a écrit :I think this will interest a lot of people here !
Great job :yes:
I think it was about time someone to make Mirage 2000-5 more realistic in BMS.
I hope that someone will make a better cockpit drawings for the BMS and a new 3d model.

I know that many fly Mirage and they want something as close as it can be to that wonderful jet. I love Mirage and I am huge fan.

It was a dream of mine to make BMS export Mirage gauges/instruments. ALSO next step is to convert the F-16 HUD data to Mirage 2000-5. This will be the next big step.

My cockpit project is PAUSED for a while, cause I am searching for recurses, dimensions, for the HUD so I can make a nice detailed 3d model of it and then build it up.

I am also trying to find original parts, switches, knobs etc... plastics lights whatever. IF.... IF there is anyone that can help and support me, please contact with me!

AFTER ALL, this Mirage 2000-5 software will be for anyone who wants it!

Publié : sam. juil. 13, 2013 2:22 pm
par MicaGR
Sometimes time is not with us...The same with this project...

But with some small steps... I move on...

My pits software gauges is moving great thanks to a super friend I found...
Wish him the best cause he did amazing work!

Next step is to move with Mirage HUD. It was very complicated cause I don't have any drawings or dimensions etc, and all had to be made from pictures and some dimensions they send me from the original.

Well first drawings was... ... ... well you'll see... :-P
Image Image.

Then after a long time... I decide to ask support from a France friend, who is helping also with the panels.
Those are the first drawings...
Image Image

Somewhere here... I want to give a picture of the original...

Now the final drawings came after many hours of studding and making many changes.
The result is PERFECT! He did perfect work!!!!

NOW... next hard step is the production.
Some parts will be made just like the panels with laser machine... but some parts... will be made with 3d printing.

He also told me of a company, that makes for you, with any material you like, the parts you want. You just have to upload to them the 3d file.

Here are some pictures from the front part of the HUD, or the mask or the HLD (Head Level Display).
Image Image Image

Thats it for now... Hope you like my project.
Best regards to all...


Publié : sam. juil. 13, 2013 3:17 pm
par matbog
Your cockpit looks fantastic :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
I follow your topic with huge interest.
Keep going !!!

Publié : sam. juil. 13, 2013 7:20 pm
par Vico
Sometimes time is not with us...The same with this project...
Step by step, slowly, at your own pace...for better results, as we can see:yes:
It was very complicated cause I don't have any drawings or dimensions
Beautiful work from almost nothing.:sweatdrop

Waiting next step :Jumpy:

Publié : sam. juil. 13, 2013 10:47 pm
par Milos
Nice work, Mica :notworthy

Publié : dim. juil. 14, 2013 10:44 am
par MicaGR

Thank you all for your kind words.

I am just trying to do my best and make a home-pit as more realistic it can be!
I want to feel like I am seating on the original -5.

I wish I had more recurses and could find some parts that will make it look better!

Publié : dim. juil. 14, 2013 11:00 am
par Cat
Perfect job !!

And the 3D printer is amazing ! I love it !

Publié : dim. juil. 14, 2013 2:26 pm
par EnZo34
Outstanding job !

Did you receive my last mail ?

Publié : mar. juil. 16, 2013 8:38 am
par MicaGR
EnZo34 a écrit :Outstanding job !

Did you receive my last mail ?

Your last mail with the seat? I only have one mail from you EnZo :) at 6/2/13

Publié : mar. juil. 16, 2013 1:55 pm
par EnZo34
MicaGR a écrit :Bonjour,

Your last mail with the seat? I only have one mail from you EnZo :) at 6/2/13
Yep, that's it. Is the pdf file OK for you ? Once again, do not hesitate if you need more dims or pix.

For your software, I still have the same problem : I un-zipped it, but when when I try to run the .exe file, I get the reply “This is not a valid Win 32 exe file”. I use Win XP. Any idea of what may be wrong :sad: ?

Publié : mar. juil. 16, 2013 2:57 pm
par Cat
Serais tu sous XP 64 bits ?

Publié : mar. juil. 16, 2013 3:09 pm
par EnZo34
No, sir, 32 bits...

Publié : mer. juil. 17, 2013 10:11 am
par Buzzz
Enzo, est-ce que tu peux partager tes infos STP. Je suis intéressé également.

Publié : mer. juil. 17, 2013 3:43 pm
par bugz
@ MICA:i should be very happy to become a Beta tester for your software. I have Win 7 64 bits...
You performed an amazing work for the moment!!! Continue like that!!

Publié : mer. juil. 17, 2013 4:44 pm
par EnZo34
Buzzz a écrit :Enzo, est-ce que tu peux partager tes infos STP. Je suis intéressé également.
Bien sur : je dézippe le logiciel correctement, mais quand je lance l'exe, j'ai le message d'erreur suivant : "This is not a valid Win 32 exe file"
Je suis sous XP 32 bits.

Voila, voila :sad:

Publié : mer. juil. 17, 2013 4:50 pm
par Buzzz
EnZo34 a écrit :Bien sur : je dézippe le logiciel correctement, mais quand je lance l'exe, j'ai le message d'erreur suivant : "This is not a valid Win 32 exe file"
Je suis sous XP 32 bits.

Voila, voila :sad:
Je ne parlais pas de ça. lol
Je voulais parler d'infos sur le siège et les dimensions du cockpit. :yes:

Publié : mer. juil. 17, 2013 6:45 pm
par MicaGR
EnZo34 a écrit :Yep, that's it. Is the pdf file OK for you ? Once again, do not hesitate if you need more dims or pix.

For your software, I still have the same problem : I un-zipped it, but when when I try to run the .exe file, I get the reply “This is not a valid Win 32 exe file”. I use Win XP. Any idea of what may be wrong :sad: ?
Software is made for 64bit systems.

I'll try to modify it so it can run also at 32bit.

Publié : mer. juil. 17, 2013 10:31 pm
par EnZo34
MicaGR a écrit :Software is made for 64bit systems.

I'll try to modify it so it can run also at 32bit.
That would be wonderful :Jumpy: !!

Publié : mer. juil. 17, 2013 10:36 pm
par EnZo34
Buzzz a écrit :Je ne parlais pas de ça. lol
Je voulais parler d'infos sur le siège et les dimensions du cockpit. :yes:
Désolé, j'avions point pigé :blushing: ...

J'ai un pdf avec des photos et dimensions de mon Mk-10. Mef, c'est extrapolé et adapté, même s'il comporte des pièces réelles.
Donne-moi ton mail par MP, et je t'envoie ça.
