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Publié : dim. mai 29, 2005 9:07 pm
par Fafaye-13
bonjour je possede un suncom sfs et F-15 talon (vieux comme le monde mais de la balle sous lock on) mais je n'arrive pas a programmer les switchs de la manette des gaz.
quelqun se souviendrait il comment on fait?
merci d'avance

Publié : dim. mai 29, 2005 9:19 pm
par dimebug
trouvé en 2 secondes avec google... (bon c'est en anglais, je sais...) :

# Before you begin programming your Throttle buttons, select the Program Slot that you wish to fill with your keyboard keystroke programming. Use either
the Weapon Select or Boat Switch to select a Program Slot. The Weapon Select and Boat switches are the bottom two switches on the right grip of the Throttle.
# Press and release the Program Button on your Strike Fighter Series Throttle's base. The program LED will illuminate to show that you are in the Programming Mode.
# Press and hold the button to be programmed on your Strike Fighter Series Throttle.
# While holding the button to be programmed on your Strike Fighter Series Throttle, press and release the keys on your PC's keyboard that you want to
copy to the button that you are holding down. From one to five individual keyboard keystrokes can be programmed to the button that you are holding.
# Release the button to be programmed on your Strike Fighter Series Throttle.
# Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each button or until your Strike Fighter Series Throttle is programmed to your satisfaction.
# Press and release the Program Button on your Strike Fighter Series Throttle's base to return to the Run Mode. Strike Fighter Series Throttle Programming Techniques
� Turbo-fire: To program the slow and fast turbo-fire function to one of your programmable buttons, simply press and release the Turbo Button in step 4 of the programming instructions. Press and release the Turbo Button once for the slow turbo-fire function and press and release twice for the fast turbo-fire function. The turbo-fire function does not count as a keystroke against the total number of keystrokes allowed to be programmed to a button.

Maintenant y'a aussi la possibilité d'utiliser le SPI un soft de programmation, mais il faut configuer la throttle manuellement au debut, donc savoir faire la procedure ci dessus...
le soft est telechargable ici


et le laius de configuration :
The very first time you use the SPI to program a controller, you must prepare the controller by programming it with the Detector Codes used by the SPI to identify Suncom controllers and their buttons. This can be a somewhat tedious process, but it only needs to be performed once, after which an unlimited number of Program files can be used by the controller.

As pointed out in the Overview tab, shown above, the Detector Codes must be programmed to your controller(s) in a very specific manner. The first character of each Detector Code must be the Minus key from your keyboard's Numeric Keypad. The Minus key that is normally located on the top row of the Main keyboard will not work correctly.

The remaining 3 digits of each Detector Code must be selected from the Main keyboard, not the Numeric Keypad. For example, a typical Detector Code would be the one used to indicate the Joystick Top Button. For Slot 1 (more on slots a little later), the Detector Code is -a01. To properly program this code to your Joystick, you must place the SFS Throttle in Programming mode, following the instructions that came with your throttle, then press and hold the Top button on your Joystick. While holding the Top button down, press the Minus key on your Numeric Keypad first. Continuing to hold down the Top button, press the a, the 0, (the number zero, not the letter o) and finally the 1 keys, all from the Main keyboard. Do not use the Numeric Keypad to enter the number values.

Following this example, program the rest of the buttons for each controller.

To see a table of the Detector Codes used by each controller, select the tab from the Controller Setup form that shows the controller you want to program. Each tab will contain a box of all the Detector Codes used as in the example below, where the Joystick tab is shown. Each button is listed, with the Detector Code it requires shown to it's right.