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BMS et Cougar
Publié : mar. mars 20, 2012 7:23 pm
par raffut
J'ai un problème qui apparemment ne provient pas du Cougar.
Depuis deux jours dans: BMS/ Setup/Controllers/Advanced/avionics Control, je ne vois plus "Toe Brake Right Thrustmaster Hotas Cougar " et "Toe Brake Left...." dans les menus déroulant des Cursor X et Y; je n'ai comme option que : "Keyboard" et "Volant souris". J'utilise les fichiers de Dunk mais avec ceux de DeeJay, c'est le même Pb.
Tout le reste est OK, en particulier le Radar Antenna et le Range Knob.
J'ai désinstallé et réinstallé le Cougar, Updaté et calibré. Rien n'y fait.
Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée la-dessus?
Publié : mar. mars 20, 2012 7:37 pm
par Acrid
raffut a écrit :Bonsoir,
J'ai un problème qui apparemment ne provient pas du Cougar.
Depuis deux jours dans: BMS/ Setup/Controllers/Advanced/avionics Control, je ne vois plus "Toe Brake Right Thrustmaster Hotas Cougar " et "Toe Brake Left...." dans les menus déroulant des Cursor X et Y; je n'ai comme option que : "Keyboard" et "Volant souris".
Salut Raffut
je vois 2 causes à la soudaine "disparition" de ces axes.
1) ils ont été affectés à des touches dans foxy MIY et MIX auquel cas les supprimer.
2) dans le panneau CCP cougar control panel ces axes sont mal affectés:
peux tu poster pour nous aider à te dépanner :
un copié coller de ton tmj et tmm
une copie ecran de ton CCP ?
BMS et Cougar
Publié : mar. mars 20, 2012 10:43 pm
par raffut
Bonsoir Acrid,
Merci de ta réponse rapide
Rem # Dunc_DX.tmj, version 1.0, 2011-08-17
Rem # To be used together with all other Dunc_DX files!
Rem ### Make sure to use the correct TMM file:
USE MDEF Dunc_DX.tmm
Rem ### Disable any mouse functionality on the Cougar (e.g. microstick):
Rem ### Map ALL Cougar buttons and hats to their default DirectX buttons:
Rem ### Just FYI, by using ALL_DIRECTX_BUTTONS, the following DX values will get assigned:
Rem ### (this is purely Foxy functionality and has nothing to do with BMS)
Rem # TG1 = DX1 (Trigger 1st Detent)
Rem # S2 = DX2 (Pickle)
Rem # S3 = DX3 (Pinky)
Rem # S4 = DX4 (Paddle)
Rem # S1 = DX5 (MSL Step)
Rem # TG2 = DX6 (Trigger 2nd Detent)
Rem # H1U = POV Up
Rem # H1R = POV Right
Rem # H1D = POV Down
Rem # H1L = POV Left
Rem # H2U = DX7 (TMS Up)
Rem # H2R = DX8 (TMS Right)
Rem # H2D = DX9 (TMS Down)
Rem # H2L = DX10 (TMS Left)
Rem # H3U = DX11 (DMS Up)
Rem # H3R = DX12 (DMS Right)
Rem # H3D = DX13 (DMS Down)
Rem # H3L = DX14 (DMS Left)
Rem # H4U = DX15 (CMS Up)
Rem # H4R = DX16 (CMS Right)
Rem # H4D = DX17 (CMS Down)
Rem # H4L = DX18 (CMS Left)
Rem # T1 = DX19 (Cursor Enable)
Rem # T3 = DX20 (VHF)
Rem # T2 = DX21 (UHF)
Rem # T4 = DX22 (IFF In)
Rem # T5 = DX23 (IFF Out)
Rem # T6 = DX24 (Uncage)
Rem # T7 = DX25 (DGF Override)
Rem # T8 = DX26 (MSL Override)
Rem # T9 = DX27 (Speedbrakes Open)
Rem # T10 = DX28 (Speedbrakes Close)
Rem ### Now, BMS can handle exactly ONE function for each button/hat position for the UNSHIFTED position (without Pinky/S3),
Rem ### and exactly ONE function for each button/hat position for the SHIFTED position (with Pinky/S3).
Rem ### So whenever we want to have only ONE function for each position, we don't need to do anything here in the Foxy profile
Rem ### anymore, we will cover that completely in the BMS keyfile.
Rem ### All that we still need to cover HERE are special cases where we want to have e.g.:
Rem ### a) more than one function at the same time,
Rem ### b) toggle/alternate between different functions,
Rem ### c) create functions that are not meant for BMS, but for other programs (e.g. TrackIR)
Rem ### NOTE: Whenever we override one of the default ALL_DIRECTX_BUTTONS assignments, we need to make sure that we
Rem ### manually add the DX mapping again for the positions that we NOT want to override (because they are lost otherwise).
Rem ### For example, if we only want to override e.g. a SHIFTED position, we need to manually map the UNSHIFTED position back
Rem ### to whatever DX mapping was there by default. See the TG1 below for an complete example.
Rem ### Trigger 1st Detent SHIFTED (/I) should be used to toggle between padlock and 3D view. As BMS can not toggle, we need
Rem ### to create the toggle here as usual, using /I to indicate that this should be for the SHIFTED layer, and then add the two toggle
Rem ### positions with /T.
Rem ### However, as we now did override TG1 for /I, TG1 for /O will be reset to "nothing" autmatically by Foxy. But we want to
Rem ### keep the default DX assignment, hence we need to add it back manuall using /O /H and the DX mapping from the list above.
REM ### Additionally, we will keep keep the state of TG1 UNSHIFTED in a logical flag for TG2 (see below).
BTN TG1 /I /T Padlock_AA /T 3D_Cockpit
/O /H {DX1 X1}
Rem ### Trigger 2nd Detent SHIFTED (/I) should do nothing to avoid firing the guns accidentally while toggling between padlock and
Rem ### 3D_cockpit view. Usually, we can map this in the BMS keyfile directly. However, as soon as we release the pinky switch,
Rem ### BMS will immediately detect that TG2 is pressed and start firing. So what we do here is make sure that BMS only sees TG2
Rem ### when it has been reached by passing only over TG1 (and not Pinky+TG1) before.
Rem ### The Paddle should do two things at the same time:
Rem ### a) the normal AP override (which is done by BMS DX assignment, hence we just use the default DX mapping from the list),
Rem ### b) wheelbrakes
Rem ### To make sue that both commands are done at the same time, we use the curly brakets to tie them together.
Rem ### Because we did not override /I or /O, we don't need to do anything else here, the rest will be in the BMS keyfile.
BTN S4 /H {DX4 Wheelbrakes}
Rem ### Because we mapped the microstick (radar cursor) to use analog axis in the HOTAS CCP, the toe brake axis can only be
Rem ### used with digital statements now. Hence we will simply issue and hold a "Wheelbrake" keystroke whenever either of
Rem ### the toe brakes is pushed down more than 10%.
LBRK 5 2 (0 10 100) ^ (/H Wheelbrakes)
RBRK 5 2 (0 10 100) ^ (/H Wheelbrakes)
Rem # Dunc_DX.tmm, version 1.0, 2011-08-17
Rem # To be used together with all other Dunc_DX files!
Rem ### To avoid side effects, it is good practice to use SINGLE keystrokes for macros only.
Rem ### So whenever possible, avoid doing things like "Shift + Key" and use only "Key" instead.
Rem ### This macro file will ONLY contain keyboard mappings. Everything that will be mapped
Rem ### by pure DirectX in the BMS keyfile will NOT show up here.
Padlock_AA = 4
3D_Cockpit = 3
Wheelbrakes = k
Xaxis :1, Yaxis2; MicrostickX :7;MicrostickY :8; Throttle :3;Antenna knob :4; Range knob:5; Rudder :6;
Left toe brake et Right toe Brake 9 et 10 inemployés croix rouge.
Nota. J'ai un palonnier Thrustmaster branché sur le Joystick du Cougar.
Publié : mar. mars 20, 2012 11:22 pm
par Acrid
Merci raffut
zut je n'avais pas vu que le fichier dunc était dans le repertoire BMS.
j'ai dowloadé le dunc.tmm et le dunc.tmj dans mon cougar , çà marche chez moi.
la copie ecran de ton ccp m'aurait bien aidé, mais comme tu as donné tes paramètres çà va.
Reste un seule inconnue : la case à cocher
Apply enable/disbale Windows axes states est elle bien cochée ?
sinon les axes microstick ne sont pas reconnus.
Publié : mer. mars 21, 2012 9:00 am
par Milos
je ne vois plus "Toe Brake Right Thrustmaster Hotas Cougar " et "Toe Brake Left...."
Le souci n'est pas sur le Cougar, mais soit sur le palo, soit sur le CCP.
Comme le dit Acrid
Reste un seule inconnue : la case à cocher
Apply enable/disbale Windows axes states est elle bien cochée ?
sinon les axes microstick ne sont pas reconnus.
Si en cochant ça ne fait rien, essaie de refaire un étalonnage
manuel de ton ensemble via le CCP
Publié : mer. mars 21, 2012 4:39 pm
par raffut
Un grand MERCI à Acrid et à Milos; j'avais oublié de cocher la case "Apply enable/disable Windows axes states." Tout marche bien à présent.
Publié : mer. mars 21, 2012 7:55 pm
par Acrid
Content d'avoir pu te dépanner raffut.
Publié : mer. mars 21, 2012 8:50 pm
par Milos
Quand on apprend que ce n'est que ça, on pousse un grand ouf de soulagement