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Les usa donnent six AH-1Z aux tchèques

Publié : sam. août 20, 2022 3:01 pm
par warbird2000
Les usa donnent six AH-1Z ( combat ) aux tchèques et deux UH-1Y Venom ( transport )

Les tchèques avaient déjà commandé quatre AH-1Zs and huit UH-1Y
The donation was confirmed on August 19 by Defense Minister Jana Černochová during a visit to the 24th Air Transport Base at Praha-Kbely on August 19. They will comprise an additional six AH-1Z Viper and two UH-1Y Venom helicopters, adding to the four AH-1Zs and eight UH-1Ys already on order. This will bring the total number to be delivered to the Czech Republic to ten of each type. They will replace the outdate Mi-24V/35 Hind fleet from 2023. ... h-republic

Petit bonus en avance du futur contrat F-35 ?
Un encouragement à donner leur hélicos russes aux ukrainiens ?