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Show me your jet fighters and I’ll tell you who you are

Publié : jeu. sept. 11, 2014 9:42 pm
par Spyounet
Un graph sympa, trouvé ici.


- noeux: pays (points clairs), ou type d'avions (points foncés)
- taille proportionnelle au nombres d'avions produits/utilisés
- couleur: bleu = USA, jaune = Europe, vert = Asie et rouge=Russie.
Nodes: The different aircraft models are represented by strongly colored dots. Countries that employ them are represented by clearer dots. The dot size is proportional to the number of aircraft produced/used by air forces.
Edges: An edge connects an aircraft model and purchasing countries. Its size is proportional to the number of aircraft used.
Colors: Blue = America / Yellow = Europe / Green = Asia / Red = Russia
Aircraft models: Later versions are included with the base model (F-15E Strike Eagle is displayed with previous Eagles, F/A-18F Super Hornet with Hornets, SU-30/SU-33/SU-34/SU35 with SU-27, Tornado ADV with Tornado, etc.).
Edges excluded: We excluded from this chart the two dozen of MIG-29 and two SU-27 purchased by USA to former Soviet Union countries for training purposes.

Re: Show me your jet fighters and I’ll tell you who you are

Publié : ven. sept. 12, 2014 10:27 am
par Kamov
Amusant ce graphisme merci! :yes: mais j'ai l'impression qu'il y a des manques!

Re: Show me your jet fighters and I’ll tell you who you are

Publié : ven. sept. 12, 2014 10:32 am
par jeanba
J'ai du mal à le comprendre