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QRA commune entre les Pays Bas et la Belgique.

Publié : jeu. oct. 24, 2013 1:18 am
par spooky400
"BELGIUM AND the Netherlands have confirmed plans to maintain joint patrolling of Benelux airspace with the signature of a Letter of Intent (LoI) today by Belgian Defence Minister Pieter de Crem and his Netherlands counterpart Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert. Plans to maintain a joint quick reaction alert (QRA) were first revealed in a Ministerial Declaration by the Benelux Defence Ministers on April 18, 2012.

After the declaration, the air arms of Belgium and the Netherlands determined that there were no technical or operational barriers to such a collaboration. As previously reported on AFD, on September 17, 2013, in a letter to the Dutch parliament during the presentation of the government’s 2014 budget, it was confirmed that discussions were already under way regarding the possible joint QRA.

This will reduce the costs of maintaining the QRA capability for both sides, although it will require signature of a formal treaty to allow these tasks to be undertaken in each other’s airspace. Today’s LoI now paves the way for finalisation of such a treaty, although it is not expected that joint QRA operations are likely to commence before 2016.

Currently the QRA task in both countries is fulfilled by F-16s. In the future, the role will be taken over, in the Netherlands at least, by the Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter. As previously reported, the Netherlands has finally decided on a total purchase of 37 F-35As, of which five will be permanently based in the USA, four for training and one for testing and trials. The Netherlands believes this is sufficient to fulfill its international commitments, while also maintaining a credible force for defence at home. Belgium has yet to decide on a replacement for its F-16s, but is also showing interest in the F-35. AFD-Dave Allpor

Je trouve cela interessant, car quelques temps auparavant, La Hollande a reduit le nombre de F-35 qu'elle achetera, et de ce fait ils pensaient a un accord commun et officiel qui autorise la Hollande a assurer la QRA sur le territoire du Beneluxe, de meme pour la Belgique, qui, si elle confirme l'achat de F-35 a son tour, permettrait de reduire les couts, F-35 ou pas cela les reduirait aussi,mais avec un appareil commun on eut peut-etre mieux comparer les prix. Donc on vera sans doute une encore plus grande collaboration entre les Neerlandais et les Belges. C'est un petit pas vers une Europe plus soudee :), en matiere d'armee de l'air en tout cas.