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Cobra tales..

Publié : mar. déc. 21, 2010 12:08 am
par Merlin (FZG_Immel)
Sur arfcom, Snake_driver, depuis quelques semaines nous fait partager ses souvenirs de pilote de Cobra au viet-nam !


Franchement, je trouve ça assez intéressant, alors j'ai pensé vous faire partager tout ça.. je ne peux pas copier tout ici, donc je vous link cela. C'est sur arfcom GD, donc si vous avec un problème avec le non politiquement correct, n'allez pas surfez ailleur :p

The Rescue of Ranger Team 76 - A Cobra Tale ... 952&light=
........Shortly before arriving at the last known coordinates of the troops under fire, we dropped to tree top level and increased our speed to maximum. Being fairly new at this combat flying, the “pucker-factor” was also cranked to full-on. As we approached from several miles out my AC made the call over the radio to make contact with the LRRP’s that were in trouble to see what their situation was, and how we could provide help for them. They immediately came up on the radio and told us frantically they had run directly into a very large group of heavily armed and extremely hostile enemy forces. They said they were on the run were being chased in close pursuit by an undetermined number of enemy troops. From the near panic in the team leader’s voice, all the shouting and rapid gunfire in the background, you could tell it was a very serious situation that they were in. LRRP teams were made up of some very tough, very mean guys who normally didn’t get excited about being in contact with the enemy unless they were in a BIG jam, and these guys seemed VERY excited about this situation...........
Do it now, they're at the door!!! - Cobra Tale #2 ... 142&light=

My Wild Day With The Black Virgin - Cobra Tale #3 New ... 663&light=