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Le F-16 produit jusqu en 2013

Publié : jeu. déc. 31, 2009 5:13 pm
par warbird2000 ... -2013.html

Au moins 2013 car LM n a pas perdu espoir de remporter encore un autre contrat

Ce qui reste à produire
The pending contract from Egypt adds to a recent spike in F-16 sales after a two-year slowdown. Lockheed plans to deliver only 20 F-16s in 2010 and 2011, but as many as 40 in 2012. Deliveries in 2012 will include 24 signed by Morocco in early December, the remainder of Turkey's order for 30 and a portion of Egypt's backlog

Les contrats en cours de discussion
Lockheed executives have also noted that smaller orders for F-16s are in discussions with Greece, Iraq, Oman and Qatar.

But the long-term future of Lockheed's F-16 production line depends on India's competition for the medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) contract for at least 126 fighters. Lockheed has proposed the F-16IN, a version similar to the United Arab Emirates' Block 60.

Publié : jeu. déc. 31, 2009 5:48 pm
par anto-big-boss
Comme quoi, F-35 "le f-16 du XXIeme siècle", ben c'est pas gagné...

Publié : jeu. déc. 31, 2009 6:40 pm
par sony tuckson
Viper powaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!