Des fois y a des c....

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Inscription : 21 novembre 2015

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par airspeed1974 »

Knell a écrit :Airspeed, there s no point : you did a stupid thing, you lied to me , and now you re pretending that you gonna make it again, which is definitely the proof that you are stupid. You can look from any point of view, it is stupid it will stay stupid.
And you tell us that you re stupid enough to tell that story to a newspaper/magazine/whatever....
But you re so qualified and so good ... For sure these people will recognize you as the superior pilot you are and will tolerate any things from you ...

Or not.

To that point i even can not wish you good luck because it s again my perception of the reality to encourage people who want to kill themselves.
I lied to you? About what? Nothing to pretend. I do what i say ill do. I think i have proven that! If i was so stupid, then your gonna say everything i did in libya, i came out alive all because of luck? If that was true man i should start hitting the casions
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Pilote émérite
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Inscription : 06 août 2001

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par TooCool_12f »

airspeed1974 a écrit :
Doesn't really matter what he is or what he was. Anyone who is going to post on multiple websites because they are butthurt that some civilian did what i did either A: has too much time on their hands B: is just a complete turd. I never took away from his experience, but if he is going to talk garbage he should atleast say it so all of us can understand
except that this is a french speaking board and with an exception or two, everybody here speaks french; so if things have to be said in a language that everybody understands, as you say, you should start typing in french

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Inscription : 21 novembre 2015

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par airspeed1974 »

TooCool_12f a écrit :
airspeed1974 a écrit :
Doesn't really matter what he is or what he was. Anyone who is going to post on multiple websites because they are butthurt that some civilian did what i did either A: has too much time on their hands B: is just a complete turd. I never took away from his experience, but if he is going to talk garbage he should atleast say it so all of us can understand
except that this is a french speaking board and with an exception or two, everybody here speaks french; so if things have to be said in a language that everybody understands, as you say, you should start typing in french
Somewhat agree with that except in this case Knell (who finally responded in english) knows that the topic (my time in Libya) is about an english speaking yank, me. So knowing full well that some day i might see this, i think its only fair after i nicely asked him to respond in english that he do so.

I have nothing against speaking french btw.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
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Inscription : 19 juin 2002

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par Fuchs »

Knell a écrit :
Fuchs a écrit :Si c'est vrai, je trouve ça excellent.
Je trouverais ça excellent aussi si il y avait des motivations politiques. La il n y a rien d autre que l envie de montrer qu on en a des plus grosses que quelqu un d autre. Une fois, passe encore, mais vouloir recommencer alors qu on lui a déjà dit a longueur de page que c était stupide ....Ce qui est un des meilleurs moyens pour mourir en aviation . Mai s l individu est connu et pas particulièrement de façon glorieuse .....
Il vit sa vie comme il l'entend.
Je ne vois pas de soucis à ça.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 1639
Inscription : 10 janvier 2006

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par Dédale »

I am afraid you don't get our meaning airspeed...

Whether your "experience" is real or not is not the point. The point is you enlisted in a war as a mercenary. That is a stupid thing to do. What is worse is you don't even have the slight excuse of a political motive like fighting for a cause. You seem to look at war as some sort of sport, an occasion to show some prowess. Most of us do not find killing people and risking to get killed for sport, fun and bragging rights commendable. That's irresponsible. But oh my god ! You did it on a fighter plane ! Like if it was fundamentally different than going to Syria because one is "you know, good at COD".

War is not a video game. Dying in it is painful. Have you ever been seriously molested in at least a fistfight ?

A secondary point is you believe you are a fighter pilot. While real life pilots may appreciate the implicit and sincere compliment, logging flight hours on civilian planes and hardcore simulators like BMS do not make you a full blown fighter pilot. The fact you flew a mirage and survived mean little in that regard. You underestimate the importance of formal training to do so. you underestimate the importance of other peole's experience and in aviation it is a good way to get killed. Like in extreme sport since you believe the two are alike.

We meet such people all the time. They believe they are physicians because they spent a lot of time on wikipedia and internet forums. They believe they are engineers because they can fix a washing machine. The believe they are mathematicians because they took some statistics at freshman. Since they are not confronted to what the true professionals have to do, it work out for them for a time. Until it doesn't. Eventually when it matters.

Nobody here care about whether you have "balls" or not. We think you are going to end up like the proverbial redneck who dies just after having said "hey, watch this !"
Core I7 4770K @ 4,1 Ghz 16 Go RAM Nvidia GTX 1070 Xubuntu 22.04 et windows seven home machin.
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
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Inscription : 01 juillet 2007

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par HudLx »

I agree 100% with what Dédale wrote just above: you had what we call "beginner's luck".
We have proverbs in aero-clubs, kind of people wisdom: "There is no such thing as a good pilot, only old pilots" or "Heroes die young" (understand prematuratedly).
I know of one case in which the pilot thought he was "elite", well he crashed on the downwind leg...
Another case: ATPL with more than 10,000hrs of flight, been on warbirds etc. He flew an ultralight 3 axis and twisted the wings, he could have died with his young passenger!
So the point is: modesty could save your life, trying to get your ego flattered could kill you. That's a proven dangerous attitude in safety management systems.

Don't take it personally,
VMFA_Hud / }{ùd£x
X5460 @4.33GHz / 8Go DDR2 912 / GTX 560 Ti / Saïtek X52Pro + PZ35 / Cougar FSR mod "Pistolero" + MFD / FreeTrack
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Corktip 14
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Inscription : 16 août 2003

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par Corktip 14 »

Airspeed, IMHO, do whatever you want! If you want to go there and do some mercenary jobs as some put it here, this is your choice, and that's about it! You have lived your dream of flying in a fighter plane and use it in combat (which I agree doesn't make you a fighter pilot per se, but still...). If you want to go back, so what? As I said, this is your life, and you're 100% right to live it the way you want it! :notworthy

Now, what if you get harmed or killed over there? Does it really matters, or is your life so valuable that you don't want to risk it to make your dreams come true?
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Légende volante
Légende volante
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Inscription : 08 septembre 2001

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par DeeJay »

IMHO, it is a mistake to think that a fighter pilot should have balls. What he needs is knowledges and skills. Not only his life is in the balance, but also the ones of his team mates, and the ones of the ppl on ground (including the non combatants ppl around his DMPI) ... but anyway, we can find everything and anything in the world of mercenary. The best ... and the worse.

I think that we are just facing a big ego mixed with unconsciousness. That is all.
Now, what if you get harmed or killed over there? Does it really matters, or is your life so valuable that you don't want to risk it to make your dreams come true?

As said ... it is not only about his own life. Thought.
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 3712
Inscription : 20 novembre 2003

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par Flyingtom »

Just sayin'


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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 3712
Inscription : 20 novembre 2003

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par Flyingtom »

And mercenary are not heroes... just a bunch of guys paid to kill people. There is no glory or pride in that. Any dictator can hire mercenaries to do his dirty job. I do have a lot of respect for the soldiers fighting for their own country .

If you want to show people that you have balls, go to the french foreign Legion or go as a medic on a battlefield... Anyone with a piece of luck can look like as a fighter pilot. If anything you said is true, yeah you managed to fly a fighter jet , but that doesn't make you a fighter pilot. You can fool people around but being a fighter pilot is way more than that.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8718
Inscription : 04 août 2001

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par rollnloop »

As long as you kill as many bearded ISIS shitheads as you can, you're the kind of fighter pilot we need atm, whatever your background and initial motivations.
Send'em my regards (and some bacon if you can find any).

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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 6089
Inscription : 15 mai 2003

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par Knell »

rollnloop a écrit :As long as you kill as many bearded ISIS shitheads as you can, you're the kind of fighter pilot we need atm, whatever your background and initial motivations.
Send'em my regards (and some bacon if you can find any).
Non Roll c est la le problème, MÔssieur ne s engage pas pour une cause politique, MÔsssieur veut faire du F1 parce qu il trouve ca coolde faire du F1.
Quelque soit le camp qui lui propose le manche... Mais après quand il a fait son petit tours, il se casse....
D'ou mon affirmation que son attitude est débile a plus d un titre et ne mérite aucun respects d'aucunes sortes.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8718
Inscription : 04 août 2001

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par rollnloop »

J'ai bien compris, et ne souhaite pas détourner ton sujet plus avant.

Permets-moi de l'encourager tout de même, tant que ses ennemis sont les miens (et si tant est que son histoire soit vraie). Je suis pacifiste, mais trop c'est trop.


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Inscription : 21 novembre 2015

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par airspeed1974 »

Anyway, for those that wanted to see. I posted some pics. Not sure how to upload videos...

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Inscription : 21 novembre 2015

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par airspeed1974 »

Ok lets try this again.

Guys pls let me know if you can see the entire album
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4012
Inscription : 31 août 2006

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par Rob1 »

I can see 2 albums, "Flying the Mirage F1 in Libya" and "Flying the Mirage F-1 in Libya 2015". Thanks for sharing :yes:

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Inscription : 18 décembre 2015

Re: Des fois y a des c....


Message par salem292000 »

Hey Airspeed ! Thanks for those images ! Can you share the video with us ? Try Youtube ?

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