Un Bristol Blenheim restaure

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MS Galileo
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Inscription : 02 octobre 2004

Un Bristol Blenheim restaure


Message par MS Galileo »

On 30 May, the Aircraft Restoration Company’s Bristol Blenheim Mk.I L6739, registered as G-BPIV, appeared in public at IWM Duxford for the first time as a complete aircraft since its long-term restoration began in Summer 2003. Photographs courtesy of David Whitworth.

The Blenheim was manufactured in 1934 by the Bristol Aircraft Company, initially intended to be operated as a small airliner. However, the Blenheim’s speed and handling capabilities made it well suited for military operations as a light bomber, and the aircraft underwent extensive modification before joining the RAF. The twin-engine Blenheim was the fastest light bomber of its time, with a top speed excelling that of the single-engine fighters of the era; Blenheims were manufactured in great numbers and for a time, towards the start of the war, the Blenheim was the most numerous aircraft in RAF service, with more than 1,000 on charge. Its career didn’t end as a light bomber, for the Blenheim was far too adaptable to be held back in a single role – indeed, it became the first multi-role combat aircraft, serving as a night fighter and long-range fighter in addition to its bomber tasks.

http://www.globalaviationresource.com/v ... -unveiled/

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Inscription : 29 juillet 2008

Re: Un Bristol Blenheim restaure


Message par Kamov »

Belle bête j'ai hâte de le voir en vol!
J'ai refait tous les calculs... notre idée est irréalisable, il ne nous reste qu'une chose: la réaliser!
Pierre Georges Latécoère

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Corktip 14
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Inscription : 16 août 2003

Re: Un Bristol Blenheim restaure


Message par Corktip 14 »

Excellente nouvelle!!

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