Configuration des axes
Publié : mar. févr. 12, 2008 3:26 pm
Bonjour a tous,
après mainte recherche sur le forum et test des solutions apportés par vous tous pour configurer joystick et palonnier sur eech, je suis toujours coincé et rien ne fonctionne.
J'ai un cougar ainsi qu'un palonnier saitek, j'ai utilisé l'utilitaire eechmap. Dans eech je n'ai rien du tout a part le clavier et les boutons du joystick (aucun axes).
Auriez vous une idée s'il vous plait ?
Ci-joint une copie de la section concerné dans eech.ini:
[Joysticks and TrackIR]
eopann=-1 # joystick number for EO-camera panning
eopanv=0 # joystick DirectX axis for vertical EO-camera panning
eopanh=0 # joystick DirectX axis for horizontal EO-camera panning
eozoomn=0 # joystick number for EO-camera zooming
eozoomax=7 # joystick DirectX axis for EO-camera zooming
field_of_viewn=-1 # joystick number for field of view (zoom) of main view
field_of_viewax=5 # joystick DirectX axis for field of view (zoom) of main view
cyclicn=0 # Joystick number for cyclic
cyclich=1 # Joystick DirectX axis for cyclic horizontal
cyclicv=2 # Joystick DirectX axis for cyclic vertical
collectiven=0 # Joystick no. for the collective
collectiveax=3 # Joystick DirectX acis for the collective
ruddern=0 # Joystick no. for the rudder
rudderax=4 # Joystick DirectX axis for the rudder
joylookn=-1 # joystick no. used for joystick look
joylookh=0 # joystick DirectX axis used for horizontal joystick look
joylookv=0 # joystick DirectX axis used for vertical joystick look
joylookst=30 # joystick look step (1 = min, 100 = max) (def = 30)
nonlinear-cyclic=1 # use non-linear control for cyclic (less sensitive around center) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
nonlinear-pedals=1 # use non-linear control for pedals (less sensitive around center) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
nonlinear-collective-zone1=0.30 # non-linear control value for throttle (n = % throttle position joystick to represents 60% collective) (10= 0.1) (0.0 = off (linear control), 1.0 = max) (def = 0.3)
nonlinear-collective-zone2=0.70 # non-linear control value for throttle (n = % throttle position joystick to represents 100% collective) (10= 0.1) (0.0 = off (linear control), 1.2 = max) (def = 0.7)
reverse_pedal=0 # reversed pedal input (0 = off/blue force/USA, 1 = on/red force/Russia) (def = 0)
msl=1 # activates mouselook (and TrackIR when present) (0 = off, 1 = internal, 2 = external, 3 = both) (def = 0)
msls=15 # mouselook speed (when msl=1) (n > 0) (def = 15), POV speed (when msl=0) (n > 0, max = 20) (def = 13)
TIR_6DOF=1 # 6 DoF support for TrackIR (Hokum and Comanche only) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
external_trackir=0 # (only when msl=1) external cameras controlled by TrackIR (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
external_trackir_dir=0 # (only when external_trackir=1) invert external cameras view direction (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)[/INDENT]
Merci par avance.
edit: J'ai oublié de preciser que je suis en version 1.10.
après mainte recherche sur le forum et test des solutions apportés par vous tous pour configurer joystick et palonnier sur eech, je suis toujours coincé et rien ne fonctionne.
J'ai un cougar ainsi qu'un palonnier saitek, j'ai utilisé l'utilitaire eechmap. Dans eech je n'ai rien du tout a part le clavier et les boutons du joystick (aucun axes).
Auriez vous une idée s'il vous plait ?
Ci-joint une copie de la section concerné dans eech.ini:
[Joysticks and TrackIR]
eopann=-1 # joystick number for EO-camera panning
eopanv=0 # joystick DirectX axis for vertical EO-camera panning
eopanh=0 # joystick DirectX axis for horizontal EO-camera panning
eozoomn=0 # joystick number for EO-camera zooming
eozoomax=7 # joystick DirectX axis for EO-camera zooming
field_of_viewn=-1 # joystick number for field of view (zoom) of main view
field_of_viewax=5 # joystick DirectX axis for field of view (zoom) of main view
cyclicn=0 # Joystick number for cyclic
cyclich=1 # Joystick DirectX axis for cyclic horizontal
cyclicv=2 # Joystick DirectX axis for cyclic vertical
collectiven=0 # Joystick no. for the collective
collectiveax=3 # Joystick DirectX acis for the collective
ruddern=0 # Joystick no. for the rudder
rudderax=4 # Joystick DirectX axis for the rudder
joylookn=-1 # joystick no. used for joystick look
joylookh=0 # joystick DirectX axis used for horizontal joystick look
joylookv=0 # joystick DirectX axis used for vertical joystick look
joylookst=30 # joystick look step (1 = min, 100 = max) (def = 30)
nonlinear-cyclic=1 # use non-linear control for cyclic (less sensitive around center) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
nonlinear-pedals=1 # use non-linear control for pedals (less sensitive around center) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
nonlinear-collective-zone1=0.30 # non-linear control value for throttle (n = % throttle position joystick to represents 60% collective) (10= 0.1) (0.0 = off (linear control), 1.0 = max) (def = 0.3)
nonlinear-collective-zone2=0.70 # non-linear control value for throttle (n = % throttle position joystick to represents 100% collective) (10= 0.1) (0.0 = off (linear control), 1.2 = max) (def = 0.7)
reverse_pedal=0 # reversed pedal input (0 = off/blue force/USA, 1 = on/red force/Russia) (def = 0)
msl=1 # activates mouselook (and TrackIR when present) (0 = off, 1 = internal, 2 = external, 3 = both) (def = 0)
msls=15 # mouselook speed (when msl=1) (n > 0) (def = 15), POV speed (when msl=0) (n > 0, max = 20) (def = 13)
TIR_6DOF=1 # 6 DoF support for TrackIR (Hokum and Comanche only) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
external_trackir=0 # (only when msl=1) external cameras controlled by TrackIR (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
external_trackir_dir=0 # (only when external_trackir=1) invert external cameras view direction (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)[/INDENT]
Merci par avance.
edit: J'ai oublié de preciser que je suis en version 1.10.