C'est un patch COMPLET... ce qui sous entend:
Une installation de EAW clean (n'importe laquelle .. originale ou déjà patchée 1.2)
Executer le patch et l'installer dans le chemin (path) de l'installation existente.
apparemment y avait pas grand chose comme explications avec le patch
Voici le RTF qui donne toutes les infos sur les updates apportés par ce patch 1.28:
1.28 features.
European Air War Readme!
The Code Group is proud to release patch 1.28 and trusts online and offline players will enjoy the new possibilities it offers.
We recommend placing the patch into the EAW root directory and installing it from there.
So that players may still enjoy the thousands of EAW models and many game scenarios available, this patch is designed to work with most older EAW versions once it is installed.
The CDFs and d3d.dll files created in the install must be used. They are backward compatible, and also contain new files and routines which the new exe needs.
Some you will only find in gameplay:
Updated Flight / Damage modelling for the 30 default planes utilising the new exe's improved gun damage routines. This corrects the relationship between small mgs and medium mgs/cannons
Gun convergence set at historical ranges
Gunsight reticule size adjustable from ini value
Dust on the runways
F9 view available almost down to ground level
Extended field of view in 1024 x 768 mode
"Players Skill" set in Configure Game/Difficulty/Combat now limits viewing options and icon range (also see Difficulty in multiplayer section below). "Realistic Gunnery" amended, and now the only difference is the bullet damage gets increased by a factor of 1.5 when "off"
New individual sounds for each aircraft, with added Doppler effect and an increase in volume during dives
Separate sound ini's and related "Sounds" folder
Glaring sun including nicer sunsets, great for hiding planes in no icons games!
Improved, more aggressive AI behaviour, and Escorts that really escort!
Damaged flight controls (with explosions) will increase drag, but are still partially effective
Falling debris from cannon hits on aircraft
Destroyable tailgunners in bombers
New engine temperature handling
Combat flaps for most fighters
New take-off and landing routines, be careful with that rudder or the undercarriage will break!
New aircraft parking routines
New explosions, dustclouds and craters
Ground object damagemodel updated and ground vehicles (train, trucks etc) resized
Moving ship convoys
Wrecks for crashed plane
Fixed load-outs
Improved cockpits on some aircraft including nicer rearview graphics
Bullet smoke trails
Gun flashes from muzzles, visible from inside/outside cockpit
Improved contrails with adjusted appearance altitude
Adjusted altitude bands for missions
Frames Per Second now printed on screen with "Ctrl G"
Accelerated time even close to the enemy is possible
Up to 255 TMods (objects types) are available there are allied and axis vehicles and trains
Improved AAA, be careful around enemy airfields!
More people on the ground and birds in the air
Baled pilots become 3D Parachutists with corrected decent rate
Night fighters get a form of radar during night missions on Ace setting
Four engined bombers are flyable from groundstarts, and individual engines can be started or stopped
"Bomber stream" night bomber formations
Correct pre-decimal currency in UK/US leave passes
Alternative Quickstart missions available with ini toggle
Ability to make fighter sweeps over friendly territory
Giant shadows bug that appeared at low levels is fixed
Fully ungarbled cockpit fix
Many bugfixes to the default game
...and probably some more that we have forgotten about.
Others are obvious from the outset:
A two aircraft selection screen option, Axis and Allied, with the colour of the text being changed by left-clicking at the bottom of the screen and selecting from the popup colour palette
Any flyable plane except for the V1 is listed for selection in single missions
Interdiction missions allow you to select the type of convoy and the size
There are a number of improvements to multiplayer:
The host can set the target, friendly and enemy bases, types of AI planes, whether you respawn after dying, whether your squad includes AI plane, and several other things
The "Difficulty" setting limits ingame viewing options and icon range
Interdiction types and sizes can be set, as in single mission mode
Multiplayer settings can be created in a text file and loaded by the host
Under "EAW" section
"HudFontSize=0" Toggles the HUD Font Bold, to improve legibility at high resolutions "0" is off, "1" is on
"GunSightSize=1024" Sets the Gunsight Reticule size. Valid values range from 800 to 2100. Note: "1550" is the maximum that fits nicely on the current Spitfire gunsight. Using this value, the wingtips of a fighter fit into the circle at a range of about 150 yards.
"OldStyle=0" "0" activates the new 2 screen plane selection option, "1" selects the original 3 screen layout
"ColourAxis=10" default colour of text on new Axis plane selection screen
"ColourAllied=3" default colour of text on new Axis plane selection screen
"BirdSeed=5" a value 1 (more) to 5 (less), to change the occurrence of birds ingame
"QuickVersion=0" default Quickstart (random mission type)
"QuickVersion=1" very small battle size + random mission type.
"QuickVersion=2" very small battle size + last selected mission type (single mission setup)
"QuickVersion=3" very small battle size + Figthersweep
"QuickVersion=4" very small battle size + Escort
With QuickVersion > 0 Bombers only will get interdicts
Under "Netoption" section (also adjustable from Online prebriefing screen)
"StartOnGround=0" Multiplayer mission option, "0" = airstart, "1" = groundstart
"NoAI=0" Multiplayer mission option, "0" = with AI in your squadron, "1" = no AIs
"AllowRespawn=1" Multiplayer mission option, "0" = No automatic respawn, "1" = Allow Respawn
Data Tables:
External TMod tables can be made and saved in a "TMod.dat" file
External ship convoy waypoint tables can be made and saved in a "convoys.dat" file
External formation tables can be made and saved in a "Frmation.dat" file
These files can be made by editors.
If any of them are present in the EAW folder the new exe will use the file in preference to the built-in table.
Some subtle things:
To solve a frontline problem in FAW we discovered that the exe uses a particular "TCode" as a reference to determine the friendly and enemy sides of the frontline.
Previously we thought it was based on the Capitals set in campaign files.
If the value is contained in a file named "CapSet.dat" in the EAW folder it will be used in preference to the one hard coded in the exe.
Previously unused values in "Planes.dat" can now be utilised, and a plane can be set as a seaplane, do a carrier landing, or have a fixed undercarriage.
There are some other possibilities where several different nationalities can be displayed when read from an external file, in preference to the standard ones.
While most existing addon mods should be compatible with this patch, some mods e.g. Flight models, will disable some features and produce minor gameplay problems. The normal rules apply about online compatibility.
This is intended as a brief outline. Contact any of us via SimHQ if you need to know more.
DISCLAIMER A necessary evil these days
We accept no liability for any damage this might do to your system. By installing this patch you accept full liability for installing this to your own computer and do so at your own risk. Having said this, it has been fully play tested with no resulting problems on our computers.
This patch was made by the cooperative efforts of the EAW Code Group, ably assisted by a dedicated bunch of testers. Thanks to everyone involved.
We hope you enjoy it!
Autres infos et suivis sur forum EAW de SimhQ !
Ce jeux peut donner des problèmes sur cartes graphiques récentes Nvidia (drivers probs .. voir SimhQ et certains messages dans ce forum!)
Avec cartes ATI et derniers drivers ... presque pas de problèmes.
Sous VISTA .. bizzarement ... aucuns problèmes
Avec les aides et trucs disponibles toutes les personnes qui se sont obstinées et qui ont suivit les conseils sur SimhQ et ce forum ont réussit à faire fonctionner convenablement EAW.
Voir aussi toutes infos indispensables sur EAW dans le WIKI (voir ma signature !)
Military regards.