Publié : dim. mars 21, 2004 12:17 pm
voilà, je cherche à installer un portail en php nuke
rien de spécial a y faire, mais j'arrive pas à l'installer et ca m'énerve.
j'ai déjà installé plusieurs forum en phpBB, de ce coté là ca marchait sans probléme, mais là je suis confronté à des fatal error et j'arrive pas à localiser ou ca coince
Quelqu'un a t il l'habitude d'installer ce type de forum ?
je veux installer sur Free, ma base sql est activée, mon fichier config.php semble correctement paramétré, mais je doute sur mon fichier sql qui doit me configurer la base.
En fait, en lisant l'install, là ou je semble coincé c'est là ( en gras )
Now go to the directory where you uncompressed all files and edit the
file "config.php". Change all the fields until you are happy with the
changes and they fits the need of your web site. Give special attention
to the database configuration section. When you have finished to edit
config.php file change to the /sql/ directory and there is a file called
"nuke.sql" this file contains the commands to build the database structure,
tables and the default data.
1) Create a database called, for example, nuke:
mysqladmin create nuke
2) Now fill the databases with the tables in nuke.sql file:
mysql nuke < nuke.sql
3) In order to use the ultramode.txt news file please be sure to chmod 666.
This file is used to show news from your site in some old programs and
frontends and is reserved to future use in PHP-Nuke. For backend use
backend.php file instead.
4) That's it!... now you need to edit the file "config.php" to set the
database options. Please read carefully the instruction on that file!
After that, point your browser to:
We use MySQL as the example and nuke.sql file is in MySQL format
because PHP-Nuke was made using this database server. You can find
many programs out there to convert the database schema from MySQL to
whatever else you want. But this is a task for you.
ci joint le lien vers
fatal error
Merci pour l'aide que vous pourriez m'apporter
voilà, je cherche à installer un portail en php nuke
rien de spécial a y faire, mais j'arrive pas à l'installer et ca m'énerve.
j'ai déjà installé plusieurs forum en phpBB, de ce coté là ca marchait sans probléme, mais là je suis confronté à des fatal error et j'arrive pas à localiser ou ca coince
Quelqu'un a t il l'habitude d'installer ce type de forum ?
je veux installer sur Free, ma base sql est activée, mon fichier config.php semble correctement paramétré, mais je doute sur mon fichier sql qui doit me configurer la base.
En fait, en lisant l'install, là ou je semble coincé c'est là ( en gras )
Now go to the directory where you uncompressed all files and edit the
file "config.php". Change all the fields until you are happy with the
changes and they fits the need of your web site. Give special attention
to the database configuration section. When you have finished to edit
config.php file change to the /sql/ directory and there is a file called
"nuke.sql" this file contains the commands to build the database structure,
tables and the default data.
1) Create a database called, for example, nuke:
mysqladmin create nuke
2) Now fill the databases with the tables in nuke.sql file:
mysql nuke < nuke.sql
3) In order to use the ultramode.txt news file please be sure to chmod 666.
This file is used to show news from your site in some old programs and
frontends and is reserved to future use in PHP-Nuke. For backend use
backend.php file instead.
4) That's it!... now you need to edit the file "config.php" to set the
database options. Please read carefully the instruction on that file!
After that, point your browser to:
We use MySQL as the example and nuke.sql file is in MySQL format
because PHP-Nuke was made using this database server. You can find
many programs out there to convert the database schema from MySQL to
whatever else you want. But this is a task for you.
ci joint le lien vers
fatal error
Merci pour l'aide que vous pourriez m'apporter