i agree with you Amraam for Aim 120 and more pilot friendly Data link 16 .. Support you 100% for Digital Terrain system the NO GPW and not NO DTS sorry.. displayed on the left side of the HUD if no DTS data imported via icp ...
some more details about MWS?
i found this from old post in OF forum
Terrain System (DTS)
The DTS is a digital representation of 480 NM^2 of terrain loaded into the data tape cartridge (DTC). The F-16 uses this digital terrain for a number of different things:
Database terrain cueing (DBTC): With the radar altimeter on, the actual terrain the F-16 is flying over is compared against the database to determine position on the digital terrain. This information is combined with the INS and GPS and used in position fixing. When flying in an area without DTS coverage, the words "OFF MAP" appear below the ASI on the HUD.
Proximity to ground collision avoidance system (PGCAS): Without the DTS, the airplane assumes a "flat earth" for the PULL-UP cues (in other words; it's only effective if flying over the ocean or perfectly flat land). With the DTS, the jet can give accurate PULL-UP cues over mountainous terrain. To differentiate between cues given by the existing ground-proximity warning system and PGCAS, a separate terrain-proximity warning (along with the break-X on the HUD) will appear below the ASI. If PGCAS is not available, a "NO GPW" warning is displayed on the HUD.
Obstacle warning/clearance (OW/C): Along with a terrain database, the DTS includes information on man-made obstacles (height and position). The HUD will display "OBSTACLE" when nearing an obstacle, and "<- OBSTACLE" or "OBSTACLE ->" when one is to the left or right of the aircraft.
The DTS is configured from the DTS page on the DED, ICP button 3. In OpenFalcon it's nonexistent (though you do get terrain-based pull-up cues). From this page you can turn on and off different DTC features and configure minimum altitudes.
The F-16 MLU and up can receive CAS and SEAD updates over datalink. For CAS, two protocols are supported: Air Force's AFAPD and Army's TACFIRE. A received datalink message results in a "Data" VMU warning and a message on the HUD indicating which steerpoint the new data was stored in. Pressing TMS right with the HSI as the SOI opens the datalinked info on the DED. For AFAPD messages, you get the full 9-line format across 3 pages. For TACFIRE, you get a briefer one-page summary.
An IP and target steerpoint are added to your HSI. You can clear them from your steerpoint list by holding TMS down for one second.
In addition, SEAD updates can be datalinked by AWACS or ground controllers. New threats appear as steerpoints on your HSI in purple with a slash through them. You can select them using the TMS in the HSI.
The real F-16 has selectable datalink bauds, from 1200 baud (analog) up to 16 KHz (digital). All flight members must be using the same bandwidth for datalink to work. Older aircraft or datalink over degraded radio may be forced to use the 1200-baud analog mode.
In the real F-16, datalink requires radio non-interference to work. If two members are leading CONT rounds, the rounds could interfere, resulting in no usable datalink data. Likewise, people who talk over the radio during datalink rounds will prevent those rounds from completing.
Datalink symbols on the HSI and radar will flash briefly before disappearing.
M3 have more details indeed... i hope to see some someday