La recherche a retourné 2 résultats

par SYN_Per
dim. oct. 09, 2011 3:26 pm
Forum : Salle "MODS" IL2-1946
Sujet : [wip 3d] D.520
Réponses : 1337
Vues : 249047

Rgr that mate! You do the changes. I will not be able to check anything untill beginning of next week. I'm away on a small trip right now. I'm sure you'll do a fine job as you've done before.
par SYN_Per
dim. oct. 09, 2011 1:35 pm
Forum : Salle "MODS" IL2-1946
Sujet : [wip 3d] D.520
Réponses : 1337
Vues : 249047

Hi! You don't have to redo everything Clay. Reattach wingparts with main fuselage and change the dihedral. Then detach parts and rename. Watch for unwelded vertices. If it means you have to move the wheel wells it will mean that you will have to remapp underside of wings. Wells are easy enough to mo...

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